Akira x Yusuke

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Leblanc, small yet well known cafe in Yongen-Jaya, gains quite the attention from its curry and coffee. Customers spend much time, enjoying their relaxation in a cozy area. The owner of the joint is Sojiro Sakura, who previously worked with politicians but opened up his own cafe after awhile. Not too long ago, he took in a high school student from outside of Tokyo. At first he certainly wasn't looking forward to monitoring a naive student with a criminal record. However, since then he's softened up to the boy and even gave him permission to roam the city in the evening. 

Akira Kurusu, a recent transfer student to Shujin Academy now resides in the attic of Leblanc's cafe. The student checked his phone for any recent messages from his small group of friends. Lazily reclining on the mattress he was given, he placed his device next to his exhausted form. Closing his eyes for a short while until someone could text him. 

"pi, pi, pi!" 

Somewhat startled from the ringtone and vibration, he swiftly picks up the device and looks for the sender. A smile formed on his lips. It was from Yusuke.

Yusuke Kitagawa, a second year attending Kosei high school's fine arts division, recently acquainted himself with a group of students from Shujin Academy. He knew about the scandal involving his teacher, Madarame, and yet he kept quiet. For many years Yusuke endured the hardships of never feeling familial love but now he's able to feel that warmth with his friends.

Akira opened the messages from Yusuke reading:

Yusuke: I'll be at Leblanc for the rest of the evening.

Yusuke: If it is alright with you, I would also enjoy a cup of coffee if you are willing to make some.

Akira: Alright.

Yusuke: See you then. 

Akira closed his messages and put his device back into the pocket of his uniform. Moving his form off the mattress and placing his feet on the hard wooden floor. Picking up his pace, he made his way down stairs to the main floor of Leblanc's cafe portion. No customers, nor Sojiro, were present which meant he had the entire place to himself and-

"Good evening, Akira. I came as soon as possible to spend as much time as I can here." The figure entering from the door made his way into the cafe. The low tone of his voice could melt anyone. Even Akira. It was not only his voice but his looks were beautiful. His form was rather taller than Akira's and his bottom lashes gave him a defined look, while being complemented with his short dark blue hair. Akira wanted this moment. Just the two of them in the evening. "I brought a few art books. Would you like to read with me?"

"O-Oh yeah. Let's do it in my room though." Akira is brought back to reality from his short fantasy of the two of them interacting. Yusuke makes his way past Akira and up the stairs leading to the cafe's attic. Akira instead walks to the cafe's door and locks it with the keys Sojiro entrusted to him. A smirk curled upon his lips. "He'll spend the rest of the night here..." The student now heads up the stairs and enters his room, immediately takes a seat next to the art student residing on the couch. Yusuke continues to read one of the art books he brought, his attention not being averted. Akira wasn't pleased by this response. In this state, there was no way to bring Yusuke back to reality and out of that book. 

He knew what he had to do.

"Yusuke, I can make us some coffee. Want some?" Akira asks, hoping to gain the art student's attention.

"Hmm? Oh, that would be wonderful." Yusuke responds with his eyes lit up. He hurries down to the cafe floor, waiting for the freshly made brew. Akira swiftly follows after and does all the necessary preparations before brewing. Then the process begins. 

'I should add some love into it.' Akira thinks to himself before pouring them each a cup. After changing a few things in the process, he poured two cups of freshly made coffee, bringing one over to the patient art student. Taking the open seat next to the student, Akira brings the warm brew to his lips, gently sipping what's in store. 

It was bitter. Beyond anything he's ever tasted.

As a response to his own brewing skills, Akira coughs out the remaining liquid, unable to swallow the distasteful concoction he created. He turns to Yusuke and sees how he did the same with his drink, trying to push through the dark and bitter flavor. Clearing his throat, he speaks up.

"Perhaps this is the bitterness adults savor. Thank you, Akira for making the coffee." Yusuke's response was genuine. Akira could feel himself melting at the pleasant sight from the student's actions. He wanted Yusuke. 

"And with that, I'll see you tomorrow." Yusuke adds before he makes his way to the door. He pushes the door but in doing so, it doesn't budge. It was locked. 'Perhaps the door is stuck?' With that in mind, he comes back to Akira's resting form on the stool. "The door seems to be stuck." 

Akira's lips curl up into a smirk. 

"That's because I locked it." He says. "You should spend the night here again, Yusuke." Picking up the remaining bitter brew in his own cup, he purposefully spills the lukewarm liquid on himself. Yusuke grew concern towards this action, swiftly grabbing the towel left on the counter, trying to wipe up any drops of coffee that hadn't seeped into Akira's white shirt. Little did he have time to think before-

"Huh?" Yusuke fell right into Akira's lap. No, more like someone forced him down. He turns his attention upwards only to lock gazes with the beautiful delinquent. This feeling was almost like when he saw Ann for the first time. His heart raced and so did Akira's. 

"Yusuke... I want to show you my beauty." Akira grasps the bottom hem of his uniform polo and pulls it off only to reveal a slender yet pretty form. His chest was slightly damp from the coffee spill. Yusuke steps back, regaining the events that had just transpired between them. The blush dusted on his cheeks was different. This wasn't the blush from his inspiration. It was-

"Akira, what are your intentions?" Yusuke asks trying to calm himself.

"Yusuke, just shut up and make out with me!" Akira shouts. "Just taste my bitter love!"

Akira forgot that he left his school bag on one of the customer tables in the cafe. Something was shuffling around inside and peeked through an opening from the zipper.

"Well... I'll just... hide and pretend not to hear things." says a familiar voice.

"But that's- 

Yusuke felt a warm soft pair of lips lock onto his own. Eyes wide open, he was entranced with the delinquent's hypnotizing gaze, and clearing showing who was in power. Akira finally had the moment he desired. He pulled away, gasping for air, satisfied by what he had done.

"Just love me already!" Without Yusuke's consent, Akira began tugging at the top hem of Yusuke's pants, trying to reach his treasure below.

"A-Akira!" Yusuke panicked, not knowing what Akira was going to do next. 

"That's right... I-I don't hear... anything..." said the familiar voice, shaking from the scenes the two students are creating in the cafe.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2018 ⏰

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