Finding YN

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No ones POV:
Mira was looking for YN but she was no where to be found in the guild. YN didn't really have a home to live in so she crashed at Romeo and Macao's place.
"Thanks again for letting us stay here Macao." YoroKobi And I thank Macao as Romeo walks into the living room. "YN! Hey, What are you doing here?" He asks. Someone's excited, He jumps up and I catch him into a bear hug. "I'm staying here is that okay?" I ask. He nods his head rapidly, Macao chuckles. (U guys know when Romeo is like all grown up and has abs and all that? Just pretend he's like a year younger than u!)
Romeo blushes and we release from the hug. "We have an extra room upstairs next to Romeo's, You can sleep there or with Romeo if you'd like?" He asks. I pondered this and decided. "Ok! I think I'll stay in Romeos room with him!" I turn over to Romeo, "I-If you don't mind?" I ask.

His face flushed and it's adorable! He stutters out a yes. It was almost 5 at night so the leastI could Do was Make them dinner. "Macao?" I call. "Yes Mystic Maiden? I-I mean YN?" Guess he's not used to it. I chuckle and ask where the kitchen is. "Down the hall to your right. Why?" I smile and answer back, "I'm doing something in flavor for you guys letting me stay in your place!" I make a very bad pun and shoo them upstairs.
40 min later~
"GUYS DINNER's READY!!!!" I shout out to the boys. They came rushing down the stairs and sat at the dinning table. "That was fast!" I chuckled and placed the food on the table.

"Thanks for the meal YN! This is really good!" Romeo complements. Macao nods his head and gulfs down his 10th plate! "Hehe thanks! Macao!" I say he flinched when I call his name. Me and Romeo burst into a fit of laughter. "Whaft ish sho funny?" Macao asks with food in his mouth. He swallows and asks again but clearer.

"Let Romeo eat! He's only had 2 plates!" I comply. Macao looks at me as if I had 2 heads. "W-What?" I ask. Macao stops eating and I gaze at him weirdly. "You only had one plate YN!"
"But I'm full!" I retort he sighs and continues eating.
After dinner~
I finished washing the dishes and sat down in the couch Where Macao and Romeo were. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. "I'll get it!" Me And Macao day in unison, we race towards the door and I win. I open the door as Macao sits back down. "Who is it?" Macao asks. I open the door to find a long white haired and red head girl. Along with a pink haired Baka. "Mira, Erza and the pinky is here!"I shout to Macao. Romeo dashed to Natsu and hugs him tightly.

"H-Hey Guys! Wh-" Mira and Erza stopped me with a hug. Mira was crying on my shoulder and Erza had a wave of relief wash over her face. "Come on in guys!"Macao calls from the living room. We let everyone in and we sat in silence. "Where were you? Were you here the entire time?" Mira kept asking me questions I couldn't answer because she kept at it. "Let her talk Mira." Erza demands. Mira shuts her trap almost immediately. "O-Ok to answer your questions.... I was here when um, after I've been released from being pinned to the wall almost being chocked to death." Natsu shifts uncomfortably at my reply. Mira sends a mini glare to Natsu. I sigh and keep answering until Macao knows it's enough. "R-Romeo head to bed for me please? We need to talk." Romeo nods his head and walks up the stairs. "Goodnight Everyone!" He says. We all say goodnight back and start the moment of silence once more.
"Yoro! You know it's not nice to spy on us! Out. Now. Please?" I ask my voice harsh at first but soon enough it softens up. YoroKobi appears in front of us and apologized. "That's okay. Now, where you guys looking for me the entire time?" I question them. The four sweat-drop and nod a yes.

"May I ask why?" Mira was the first to answer. "I wanted to check on you and to talk in private about something but I couldn't find you. Asking Erza if she knew where you were she decided to help me find you." I nod my head and Erza speaks up; "I wanted to look for you because you seemed very uneasy when you came back from the Job and also Mira wanted to look for you." Nodding My Head again I get up and excuse my self. Macao follows. "You think she's still upset at me?....Wait she's upset? .....No!.....I'm sorry." Is all I hear from Natsu. Macao speaks up. "Why didn't you ask Natsu?" "I'm not comfortable around him anymore. And I don't know what to think of him anymore. Please tell them I said goodnight. Thank you." Macao nods his head and I pull him into a hug. (Hug de old man! Jk okie back to story!)

I walk upstairs into Romeos room. Thinking he was asleep I slide into the sheets. "Hey YN." He whispers. "Romeo? I thought you'd be asleep?" I ask. He shakes his head. "I couldn't. You weren't next to me and I'm a bit hungry." He says chuckling at the last part. I laugh with him as well. "Wait, If I wasn't here why can't you sleep?" I ask. I was still lost. YoroKobi was downstairs in her Neko form. "A-Ah! Did I-I day that o-Out loud?! U-Um." I stopped him by placing a kiss on his cheek, he flushed red putting Erza's hair to shame. "You like me? Don't you?" He nods his head whilst looking away in embarrassment. "It's okay! When I saw you at the guild I thought you were pretty cute. Like, Damn he's cute kinda cute not baby cute." I say with a closed eye smile. He flashes a smile as well and sits up. I follow him and my eyes are filled with Wonder. "YN? W-Will you b-Be m-my girlfriend?" He asks stuttering quickly but quietly. I nod my head yes. He smiles and is about to lay back down. "I'm gonna get us a snack M'kay?" He smiles and nods his head again.

Author POV: (Thas meeeee!)
YN walks downstairs to see the three still there. "What are you doing still awake?" Macao asks. YN shrugs her shoulders and walks to the kitchen. Mira follows after. "Hey, You Alright?" Mira asks the HC hair colored girl. She simply nods her head. "Yeah, just making a snack. Kinda hungry ya know?" She chuckles at my rhetorical question. "Need some help?"

"Sure!" YN says gladly accepting the offer. Since Mira is a fangirl and the best ship sailer, She sensed YN dating someone! Hey, it's my POV okie? I'm Ze author, anyways! Mira started to question YN. "Who is it?" YN looks up curiously. "Huh? Who's what?" She asks. "Your boyfriend! Who? When?" "Damn Mira. How'd you- never mind! It's" YN makes her a voice very soft whisper. "It's Romeo. He asked me when I went upstairs." I answer her question and I can tell she wants to squeal. Natsu is a dragon Slayer which means our senses are enhanced so I know he heard me.

Just to make sure. "Just keep it a secret please?" YN asks Mira. She nods her head and helps YN finish up the snack. The least YN could do is give her some so YN made her a bowl of it! It was an upside down brownie cake with small scoops of Vanilla ice cream in a mug. There was a spoon to eat it with.

Natsu's POV:

I heard YN when she said she's dating Romeo now. Man, I was happy cause since he's younger than me by two years and managed to get a girl before me made me impressed and happy. But since it was YN it made me a bit mad. I didn't know why but I feel like I knew. This can't be Jealousy can it? I pondered in my mind. The thoughts were shaken from my mind when I smelled some food in front of me. Mira placed it and explained something. "YN was making her special snack when she asked if I wanted some and since it was just me she felt bad and made some for the rest of you guys!" Mira lied with a wide smile.

She lied because it wasn't that YN just made it for Mira, It was because she told Mira to keep quiet about her and Romeo.
"Thanks!" I say putting on a toothy smile. Macao, Erza and YoroKobi say their thanks as well. YN stops at the stairs. "You're Welcome!" She says and heads back upstairs once more. We finish eating and after saying thank you we take our leave. "Who knee YN makes such great desserts! But my strawberry cake is better." Erza says. We all laugh and walk back home. Happy was already at Cana's place.


"Here we go! This is a brownie cake with vanilla in a mug, a specialty of mine." I say as I place down the big mug. "Thanks babe!" He says calling me a new name I've not yet gotten used to. "Babe? That's new." I say. He flushed red again and starts to stutter. "C-Can i call you that? I-If not I don't have to!" I smile and say that he can. We finish up the snack wash our faces and head back to sleep. "Romey? I always thought you'd be with Wendy." I say. He looks at me a bit shocked but stays silent. "Meh. I've liked her before but you caught my eye. And I barely know her." He explains.

"Awww, Romey, You are so sweet!" I say almost squealing. "R-Romey? Is that like my nickname now?" I nod my head Yes. "You should hang with her though" i lay my head on his chest and his arms wrap around my waist, "You might like her. And just so you know, you have to look out for Carla. Good thing she likes you." I warn. "W-Wait. Which one likes me?" He asks. "Both. But Carla like you like an acceptable kind of way not Love kind of way. Wendy on the other hand, she likes you as a Crush kind of like." He nods his head in understanding. "Maybe I'll talk to her tomorrow? But for right now," He leans in and kisses me on the cheek and the nose. My face fumes Red, "goodnight babe." I smile and say goodnight as my eyelids feel heavy and close.

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