Chapter three

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Harry got into the car and i got in after him, "so what exactly happened to Michael?", He asked while starting the car

"i don't know hes just in the hospital and he had a bad accident", i said trying to call Michael again but i was freaking out so much my hands were sweating. I called the reception at my acting class to tell them that we won't be coming today or maybe a few days, "harry can you drive faster please", i insisted

"yeah sure", he said and continued driving, "you don't have to worry your brother will be fine", he tried to calm me down.

"your right, Michael is strong and if he managed to call me then i don't theres anything serious which has happened to him", i said staring at my phone, Harry took a left and we reached the hospital, Michael texted me me the room number and i ran inside, i saw him lying there on the bed with his right leg broken,

"Michael!", I shrieked and hugged him tight

"oii ouch calm down", he said groaning in pain

"im sorry! How did this happen? Michael explain", i said holding his hand, then Harry came in

"is your brother okay?", Harry asked me looking at Michael's condition

"Whose this?", Michael asked me,


"Michael", i said sitting down beside him, "this is Harry", i made signals with my eyes to tell him that Harry is 8:52

"and he drove me here", i continued and got up

"hey man thank you so much for bringing my sister here", Michael reached out to Harry but Harry went and sat next to him

He's so perfect he even cares for someone he doesn't even know properly

"no problem, i saw that she needed help so i helped her and you have a good sister", Harry told him and got up and stood next to me

"Michael how did all this happen?", i asked again

"um well i was coming out of the gym and i tripped and fell down the stairs, no big deal", He said drinking water.

"no big deal! Michael you broke your leg", i screamed at him

"yeah okay i'll be discharged in half an hour so you guys can wait outside", Michael told us

So Harry and i went outside and sat in the hallway, the hallway was empty and quite, i wanted to talk to harry but i didn't know what to say so i kept my mouth shut.

"you and Michael, don't seem related", Harry said and broke the silence, finally

"yeah we're not, I was actually an orphan till i was 10 years old, and then the family who adopted me died in a car crash so i went back to being an orphan at 15, but Michael's parents loved me as their own so they adopted me", i told him

"wow that's one sad story", he said with his husky voice

"you don't have to feel sorry for me",i replied looking away

"my life also had its own problems", he said moving closer to me

"what kind of problems?", i asked curiously

"i used to get bullied a lot in high school", he said looking at me. seriously ! he got bullied ! i don't believe that!

"your kidding right?, you? getting bullied i don't believe it", i told him shaking my head

"i knew you would say that but its true i did because back in high school i used to wear glasses and i never had these tattoos and i was kind of a nerd", said Harry , i wouldn't mind him in glasses because he would look so hot omg

"i bet you looked good in high school, you look good now", i realized what i said, oh God what did i say ! now he'll think i have a crush on him which i do but he doesn't have to know! damn it hope

"well thank you", he said giving me that big smile, i couldn't stop blushing. Just then Michael came out in crutches, Harry and i helped him to walk out of the hospital, we reached Harry's car and i opened the door and got him seated inside.


"yeah?", i asked Michael who was sitting at the back, "um you didn't tell mom and dad anything right?" he asked me 

"no but they are going to find out eventually when you hop in the house with your broken leg", i replied

"yeah your right", he said looking out of the window, "anyways Harry i know that you come every morning at 8:52am and Hope here ha-"

"MICHAEL! DO YOU WANT ME TO BREAK THAT OTHER LEG OF YOURS?", i turned around and screamed at his face

"Whats Michael talking about?", Harry asked me grinning

"oh nothing he just has this weird thing that i don't know of, just ignore him", i advised harry. We reached the house and i Harry helped getting Michael out of the car and put Michael's arm around my shoulder,

"i'll see you tomorrow?", Harry asked me taking out his phone 

"yeah why not sure, um i'll call you", i told him and took out my phone and took his number

"okay take care Michael", Harry told Michael

"sure man thanks for everything", Michael replied trying to hug Harry with his crutches in his hand, and he hugged him

"bye Harry", i said and took my backpack and helped Michael up the front door,

"so you have to give me details!", Michael told me giving me a evil grin

"yeah first you need to give mom and dad details about your accident", i replied opening the door. I walked in and screamed like i always do








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