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Both teams were going for the win. Army won the face off and it was in the opposing teams zone.

"SHOOT IT!" Yoongi yelled. Namjoon got a pass from Jackson and he did a slap shot but the goalie saved it and the whistle was blown. I watched as Jimin skated to the bench and climbed over it. Him and Jackson seemed to be really close. They're body language towards each other was in a brotherly manner.

"COME ON! GET HIM HOSEOK!" Yoongi screamed. An opposing player started skating down the ice and passed our zone. Out of nowhere another player came in and received the puck and shot. Tae blocked it and we cheered.

"WOOOO!" Yoongi yelled. I clapped and patted Yoongi's back.

A horn sounded and the players went into the locker rooms.
"Wait what's going on?" I ask poking Yoongi.

"The first period is over. It's Intermission." Yoongi said.

"Oh. How is it already the second period!" I shout.

"You were focused on the game." Yoongi said getting up. The score was 0-0. No sides have scored yet.

"Let's go get some food." Yoongi said getting up. The rink was pretty big. Not as big as a stadium but it was almost as big as one. There were definitely a lot of people here and I think it's being aired on TV as well.

"What do they get if they win?" I ask walking beside Yoongi.

"A big trophy, each individually receive a gold metal, and their names in the hockey hall of fame. It's a big deal." Yoongi said.

We arrived back at our seats and the second period began. We were doing so well, keeping the puck in the opponents zone. Hoseok passed it up to Jackson and then Jackson passed it to Jimin. Just as Jimin was about to shoot, he got slammed onto the ice by a player bigger than Tae.

"JIMIN GET UP!" I scream. He lays there on the ice for a moment but gets up and skates so fast catching up to the opponent about to score. 1 on 1 right now. Jackson was following his moves but the opponent passed back to another player, messing Jackson up. Jimin dashes in and chases the opponent but it was too late. He shot just above Tae's glove and scored.

"GOAL!" The commentator screamed out. The tornado fans were going wild and the team all jumped on each other happy about their goal. I look at Jackson who is talking with Tae and patting his helmet. Jimin slammed his stick against the ice and skated to the bench.

"Goal by #29 Joe Riley." The commentator said. I look up at the jumbo tron and notice that it was filming on the Army's bench. It zoomed in on Jackson and Jimin. Jimin had a bloody nose from the hit but he looked fine.

"dammit." Yoongi cursed.

"We still have a period and a half to go Yoongi. We can score. I know it." I say patting his shoulder. He nods and looks back at the ice. Some time later, an opponent was skating down the ice and Jimin changed right in time with the other defensemen and had the perfect hit. He slammed him against the boards and the crowd cheered. Jimin then passed to Jackson. Jackson skated up ice and passed it back to Jimin. All I hear is a loud bang and a siren.

"GOAL!" The commentator says. Yoongi and I jump up and cheer along with the other fans.

"Goal by #8 Park Jimin." The commentator says. On the jumbo tron it replayed the goal and it was amazing.

"HELL YA!" Yoongi screams. The second period goes by in a flash and we are at another intermission.

"They're doing great!" I shout.

"They got this." Yoongi said.

"Hey look! This lady is interviewing a few of our players." Yoongi said looking up at the screen.

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