-Chapter 5: Shower me with your love-

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"Be careful with our child Misaki."

"Stop saying that. It sounds weird. Just say be careful with the kitten," Misaki told Takumi as she placed their kitten unto the floor as Takumi brought in the things needed for it.

They both spent the whole day at the vet to make sure the kitten was in perfect condition then they went to the pet store to buy everything they needed from a bed down to food. Now they were back home with their new addition to their "family".

"Now it really does feel like a home right Misa. All we need now is a baby of our own," Takumi said winking at Misaki.

"You touch me in my sleep and I swear you won't be having kids with anyone. I'll destroy you permanently," Misaki warned Takumi who didn't seem to care. "Where are going little guy?" She questioned seeing the kitten crawling around trying to explore their home. "What should call him?"


"No. We need a good name. How about Licht? I like it," Misaki smiled crawling behind the kitten.

"Whatever you want to call it."


"I'll get the phone," Takumi told her. He picked up the phone after checking the caller ID to see that it was his grandmother.


"Hello grandmother," He replied.

"How's life going?"

"It's not any different from when we last spoke which was yesterday."

"Hmm... You need a little help boy?"

"With what?"

"You know, your business."


"Sorry sorry. I just thought sometime happened. I got this feeling."

"Actually something did happen. Me and Misaki are raising our first child."

"What?! Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"Well I didn't think raising a kitten was that important."

"Hello? Grandmother? Hello....." Takumi sighed putting down the phone. He could not believe she just hung up on him.

"Who was that?" Misaki questioned.

"My grandmother. No worry."

"I think we should get concerned everytime your grandmother calls," Misaki spoke worrying a little.

"Where is licht?" He asked looking around for the kitten.

"Roaming around here somewhere. I'll just let him do that for awhile and go shower. It's not like there's anything in here to hurt him," Misaki said stretching her body. "I can't believe we were out the whole day."

"Yea hmm Ok. So was that an open invitation to join you in the shower?" Takumi smirked.

Misaki silently stared at him for a long period of time then walked away.


"I'm just joking-Oh," Takumi groaned when licht scratched him. "You are the perfect pet for Misaki. Misaki?" He commented when she returned to the room again in what looked to be wearing nothing but a towel. "What are you doing?"

Misaki remained silent.

"Misaki let's take a shower together," He said hoping to get some kind of reaction from her but the reaction he got was something he was not expecting.

"Ok. Undress and let's get in the shower," Misaki stated inching closer to him.

"Misaki are you sick? Did you hit your head? You just realise you said you would shower with me?" He told her but Misaki did not change her mind.

"Come on! If you take too long the more impatient I'll get~"

Takumi mouth was wide open. He shook his head trying to understand what was happening.


"Fine then let me just take off my shirt first off," Takumi replied removing his shirt. There was no way she would go through with this. She was bluffing.

"Great! See you inside the shower," Misaki hummed making her way towards the bathroom.

"No way," Takumi muttered trailing after. Of course he had no thoughts of showering with his best friend. That would just be too much, he just liked to tease her but now he was curious about where this situation was going.

Once Takumi got inside of the bathroom he saw Misaki turning testing the water in the shower to see if it was warm enough.

"Are you really okay Misaki? Didn't sip any alcohol did you? You know how you get when your drunk," Takumi's face paled hoping she really wasn't drunk.

"Nope," Misaki answered with a popping sound. "Perfectly sober. Now how about you come here," She added motioning for him to move closer.

He slowly made his way towards her being cautious with his every move. When he finally stood in front of her, Misaki wrapped her arms around his neck inching closer and closer to his ear and then said,

"Are you crazy you pervert! What makes you think I would shower with you?" She yelled.

"Well the fact that you called me in here would."

"I was just trying to tease you back for once," She stated shaking her head. Maybe she took this a little too far.

"Really?" Takumi smirked deviously. "What if I want more than just this? I'm in the mood right now."


She was cut short by Takumi picking her up off her feet and into his arms. He then took her into the shower wetting the both of them in the process. He placed her down between his strong arms, caging her in so she wouldn't escape.

"What shall you do now misaki?" He questioned.

Misaki gasped. "Stop. You're getting my towel and hair wet."

"This should be easy. Last time you sounded like a whale and now we're in water. This is your habitat," He replied chuckling.

Misaki's lip twitched. "Why you little!"

"Crap," Takumi groaned because of where she kicked him. "Why would you...Ugh."

"Keep your slimy hands away from me!"


A/N: How was it? Please comment your thoughts and check out my other stories!

Chapter 6: Drunk In Love- Preview

"Why are you naked?"

"What did we do last night?"

"You're so warm," Misaki said hugging Takumi.

"Did you....Did you just smack my butt?"

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