-Chapter 8: Like Mother, Like Son-

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One week, eleven hours, thirty minutes and fifty-two seconds. That's how long Misaki and Takumi have been engaged for. The positives of it? Misaki's parents had been satisfied. Anna was satisfied. The negatives of it? Takumi and Misaki lived together.

Misaki watched carefully as Takumi took a seat next to her on the couch. There was so much room on the couch so why did he choose to bring his presence so close to her? What was he up to? Knowing him for so long she just knew he was going to piss her off in a matter of seconds. The growing smile on his face confirmed it.

"My rule was for you to not stare at me so much Misaki." He said feeling her eyes still on him from the moment he sat down.

"What do you want Usui?" She questioned, ignoring what he said.

"Can't I just sit here with my beautiful bride to be and not have her assume I'm up to something?" He placed his hand on his chest as though she had hurt his feelings.

Misaki narrowed her eyes.

Takumi kept smiling.

Both were waiting on the other to make their move. It was licht who had grown tired of seeing the two bicker and decided to climb on Misaki's lap. It diverted her attention from Takumi to her cat.

Misaki started to play with licht and watch tv.

"So the cat gets more attention than me? Are you mad about what happened yesterday? Did you dream about it?" Takumi teased, watching as Misaki's lip twitched. A sign of her becoming annoyed with him. "I told you I could make it a reality."

Instead of a reply from Misaki, he had gotten a hiss from licht as though he was telling Takumi to shut up.

Misaki smiled and continued to pet Licht. That's a nice kitty.

Takumi glared at the creature in her hand. The damn cat reminded him of Misaki except it had actual claws to attack him with.

"I don't get why he hates me." Takumi wondered. From a young age, all cats seemed to hate him.

"He doesn't hate you, he just dislikes when you speak too much. And he likes his mommy better." Misaki grinned feeling Licht purr at her touch.

"It's about time you like daddy." Takumi said just to tease her.

Misaki glared at him. "Please don't try and corrupt my cat."

Takumi smirked ready to push her over the edge. "I meant you Misa."

"That's it," Misaki thought. She had enough and so did Licht so she threw the cat at him. Licht landed in Takumi's arm on attack mode.

Takumi's eyes widened. "Wait!"

But it was too late. This was one fight he couldn't win because of their cat trying to scratch him deep into his soul.

After enjoying the scene before her for a minute, Misaki decided to slowly take Licht off of Takumi. She chuckled seeing the scratches on his shirt and hands. Licht one, Takumi zero.

She rested the cat on the couch away from Takumi and stood up. "I'll get some bandages for you."

Takumi watched her head off to a cabinet then turned to stare at Licht who was also staring at him. It felt like the cat was saying "I'm watching you."

Misaki returned sitting between the two and not even realizing the intense atmosphere between Takumi and the cat. "Hold still." She told him, tidying up the small cuts on his hand. "I'm sorry I threw licht."

At the same time, Licht moved from the spot Misaki placed him. He walked past Misaki and unto Takumi's lap. Licht then started to purr against Takumi wanting attention?

"What the hell." Takumi thought. He couldn't live with a bipolar cat and woman.

A/N: I've just gotten back into this story so please excuse how short it is :) Please don't take this story too serious, it's just for humor.

From next week this story will update every Thursday.

Next Chapter -Chapter 9: Side Chick-


"This is a loveless marriage so I'll allow you to have a mistress..... or what is it younger folks prefer to call them? Side chick?"

Wattpad: Violet_167

IG: Violet_167ff

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