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It all had started like any normal day. Lena and Stef were up getting ready for work, getting breakfast ready for the kids. While Stef was getting coffee, Lena was making pancakes for everyone. They were absentmindedly humming along to the radio when they started to here arguing from their girls; Callie and Mariana. The two had started acting more like real sisters lately and were arguing over everything from hogging the bathroom to needing privacy in their shared room... except this time it didn't sound like their normal disagreements. As Stef made her way upstairs to girls room, she could hear what they were arguing about and stopped to listen so she could figure out to how to dissolve the obviously heated argument the best way.

"I wish you would just learn to mind your own damn business for once instead of sticking your nose into everyone's personal life." Callie said.

"Oh yeah well I wish you'd stop being a bitch to everyone just because they are trying to be here for you." said Mariana.

"Well just because I choose not share something with you doesn't mean I'm a bitch. Mari, you trying to force me to talk makes you the bitch."

"Cal, you were up all night crying and thrashing around while having a nightmare. I wake up this morning to you in a ball in the bathroom. But if me being worried about my sister makes me a bitch, then I don't really give a damn. I'll keep being a bitch till you stop being an ass and let someone in."

At this point Stef had heard enough barged in the room catching both girls off-guard. She could tell they didn't realize they were being so loud. Stef looked back and forth at the girls. Mariana was standing up with hers arms crossed and was rolling her eyes. Stef couldn't help but think to herself, that her and her wife had raised the sassiest girl imaginable.

As Stef looked over to Callie though the girl wouldn't look her in the eye, knowing full well she shouldn't have been using that language, especially directed at her sister. "Sit down! Now, both of you!" Stef began. "Explain right now why you both are acting like this." The girls just looked at each other sighed and sat down on their beds.

Callie was the first one to speak, "its all her da-- fault." Realizing it was probably best not to let anymore obscenities slip out. Mariana laughed before she argued back, "OMG, of course you would say that instead of actually admitting what's really going on," as she shot a pointed look at her slightly older sister, "Mom last night Cal had a nightmare, she was whimpering in her sleep and tossing around, she kept whispering, "Stop, please don't." Then I wake up this morning early, like I usually do so I can get ready without being interrupted. I walk into the bathroom to see Cal in the floor crying, she was shaking so badly, so I ask her if she was okay and if she wanted me to go get you guys and she snaps.. I'm going to assume you heard the rest."

Stef took a second to take in what her youngest daughter had told her, when an almost silent sigh caught her attention. She looked over to see Callie staring at her with fear and sadness in her eyes. She looked at Mariana and gave her the all to known "we will handle this later" look. As Mariana left, Stef walked over to her daughter hands out to her, who flinched back from her reach hitting her head against the wall in the process. Stef lunged for her daughter, trying to see if she was okay.

"Cal, my sweet love, are you okay?" said Stef, releasing the breath she didn't realize she was holding when her daughter nodded yes. Stef looked into Callie's eyes searching and only finding a blank stare back at her. "Honey what happened? What was your nightmare about? Come on, you don't ever talk to Mari that. Talk to me baby its gonna be okay." At this Callie looked up eyes suddenly filled with anger, she jumped up and snapped "Oh my God, why do all of you want to talk things through? Maybe I just ate too late last night, maybe it was just a stupid dream. Did you ever think that? I don't want to talk about it cause its not important." Callie finally stopped and looked in her mothers eyes seeing hurt and worry. Quickly she added while beginning to shed a few tears, "I'm sorry maybe we can talk later, I promise, I..I..I'm just not ready yet." At this Stef grabbed her and pulled her into a hug, "Shh its okay baby, I forgive you, we will talk later. Now go get ready for school and apologize to your sister for me."


Hey guys this is my first fanfic, like ever, and I want to slowly work my way into this. I usually have a lot of time on my hands so I'll be able to write a few chapters a day. This story will not include BRALLIE. I am in no way a fan of the ship. But I would appreciate all feedback and suggestions so I can improve and do my best to make this a great story.

I am going to be using the first few chapters as a slow intro it to the gear i want this story to shift into. Sorry for the openend of this chapter.

Much love,


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