Late Night Calls-12

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Lena POV

I wake up to my phone ringing, I look to our clock and it's 3am. Who the hell would be calling me at this time, the kids would usually call Stef, not me. I reach over and grab my phone, alarmed that its Callie. "Callie, love, is everything okay?" I tap my wife and she wakes up looking at me. She takes awhile to answer and when she does its obvious she's having trouble breathing, "Mama.. something's wrong. My chest hurts really bad... its hard to breathe. My head is really fuzzy. I think I'm going to pass out..." I look at Stef, and mouth "911, it's Callie." I watch as the fear goes across her face and before I know it she's on the phone and getting dressed, throwing clothes to me. "Callie, can you hear me? Mom's calling 911 right now, and then Grandma, then we are on our way. You need to breathe. Okay love? I know you're scared but its going to be okay. Do you hear me?" Shit. She's taking forever to respond and I know this is worse than just being lightheaded. At this point Stef has tried calling Sharon but can't get ahold of her. She trying for Jesus now, knowing he'd be the only one who can lift Callie if needed "Mama, everything is going fuzzy.. I can't feel my arm... I think I'm going to pass out.. I lov..." She cuts off and I can physically hear her body hit the ground, I hear her gasp. I look at my wife who holds my hand as we speed to her mom's house.I hear feet begin to shuffle and I'm not surprised when the first person I hear on the phone is Jude. "Mama, whats wrong with Callie? She's not moving.." he starts to cry and it takes everything in me not to lose it. "Love, I don't know what's wrong with Cal. But she's going to be okay. She did the right thing and called me. The ambulance is on her way, we are on our way. Listen to me if the ambulance gets there before we do, make sure Brandon rides with her. He'll be able to keep us updated with whatever happens during the ride. okay? Now my baby boy, can you tell me whats happening?" I wait and I feel my wife squeeze my hand as we listen to whats happening. "Yeah, Jesus has picked her up and laid her on the couch. Mari has a wet towel on her head. Cal hit her head when she fell I guess and she's bleeding a lot. Brandon ran upstairs to get grandma. Mama.. I hear the ambulance.. they are almost here." She's bleeding, that's not good. "Hey Jude, hand the phone to Jesus. Okay bud? It's going to be okay. We love you." I listen as my wife takes over, giving me reassuring smiles as I have started to cry. "Jesus, listen pick Cal up but keep her head level okay? Do you hear me, keep her head as level as possible and keep pressure on the wound. We are pulling up now along with the ambulance. Mama is going to join Callie in the ambulance, get everyone out here to me. I need Mari and Jude with me and you and B go with grandma. okay?" We get out of the car to see Jesus and Mariana bringing Callie outside. She's limp and pale. We watch as the ambulance loads her up and I give my wife a kiss and the kids a smile and jump in.

Stef POV

We're on our way to the hospital when I start asking them questions. "Okay guys listen everything is going to be okay, i promise? More than likely Callie's blood sugar was a low and then she hit her head okay? But Mariana I need you tell me everything that happened once you guys left. Jude you too." I grab my daughter's hand and squeeze it and then look my son who is crying. I sigh as Mariana begins talking, "We went and watched a movie and then to dinner. Everything was okay but half way through the meal Cal just kind of went quiet. I looked and she was barely eating and I figured it was because of... well you know." She says the last part with a little attitude but also because Jude doesn't know. But she pulls away when she says that and I can tell she's on her sister's side when it comes to what I did with Liam. I sigh but talk "Yes I do know Miss Thang, and I love her very much as I do you guys, I'm not letting anything happen to her or you guys do you understand me?" She nods and slips a reluctant hand back into mine. "Jude, bud, did you see anything?" He looks up to me at this and nods. "She kept saying she didn't feel good and was tired. But I noticed she kept stopping so she could breathe, she took forever to come into to Grandma's house. She just said she wanted to stay outside for some fresh air. But Jesus did point out that she looked like she couldn't breathe like she was nervous. I figured Cal would be fine, because that's what she always says.." he laughs at the comment while I smile because she really says that all the time before he continues. "So I didn't feel the need to call. Plus even when I tried suggesting to call you, Mom, she got all mad and said it was nothing and to just mind my business. She apologized and said she was just really tired and cranky after being in the hospital. So I just let it go." I take it all in, knowing half the reason she didn't call was because she mad at me and didn't want to need me.

Lena POV

I sit in the waiting room with Sharon and two of my sons, waiting. I already called my mom and dad and they said they are flying in tomorrow. I watch as Jesus and Brandon talk, Jesus covered in his sister's blood. I start to cry as I see my kids walk in with my wife behind them the kids run to their siblings asking questions, as I run to my wife who catches me as I fall into her arms. "Lena, its okay. Remember what you said? We will all get through this. I love you." She says all this reminding of me of just why I love her. Even in her moments she listens and loves and cares for us more than anything. "Mrs.Adams Foster?" I look up as I see the nurse who was with Callie look up at us. I pull myself together fast, as both my wife and I say "yes" at the same time causing our kids to laugh. "Would you follow me?" we look to our kids and Sharon who nods and we follow the nurse till we see Dr.Briggs. "Lena. Stef. So sorry to see you guys again under these circumstances. Callie is okay, we got the bleeding under control. She has concussion and some bad bruising along her face from falling, just so you guys aren't surprised when you see her. From what I can tell Callie had a massive anxiety attack that can often resemble a heart attack. She did stop breathing for awhile and we had to bring her back. Callie's blood sugar was also extremely low. I don't know if she's not eating because she's choosing not to or because of the stress of the events that have happened lately. We would like to keep her for a few days to a week to make sure she doesn't stop breathing or seize from the fall and also because here she will be under watch and has to eat. I mention seizing as a possibility because of how hard Callie hit her head, I think its a slim chance but I do need to mention it. Do you guys have any questions?" I take in what the doctor says, stopping on seizing. My daughter could have a seizure from this.. I'm trying to wrap my head around this when my wife's voice brings me out of my thoughts, asking the one thing we are both wanting. "When can we see her?" The doctor smiles and beckons for us to follow her. We walk into her room and she's asleep. I walk around the bed and start to cry when I see her face. It's covered in bruises, I can see they had to shave part of her hair to put the stitches in. "How many stitches?" I ask, shaking as my wife holds me, trying to calm me. "Roughly 30. When she hit, she hit hard and it cut pretty deeply. I'll leave you guys alone and I'll come back in a few hours to check on her."

Stef POV

I watch as the doctor leaves and my wife sits on the couch in Callie's room. She's crying and I go to her. I hold her for an hour as she cries herself to sleep. I lay her head down on a pillow and then make my way to sit on the side of Callie's hospital bed. I place a hand on her cheek and softly rub. I see how small she's getting and it's breaking my heart. "Callie, oh my love. I know you're mat at me. I know it seems like I betrayed you, I just figured you'd be safer with him off the street then on it. You're my baby girl. I know I didn't give birth to you and I know I wasn't there to adopt you as soon as you were in foster care and I wish we had been able to. I wish you've never had to go through this. You're the strongest person I know. I know for a fact you'll be okay. But baby, I'm so sorry for being a bad mo.. I'm just sorry for hurting you. But I do love you." I start to cry and walk outside to let the kids know that Callie will be okay. I sit down with my mom and I lose it.

Callie POV

I wake up and everything hurts. I look over and see mama sleeping. I don't see Stef anywhere. I start to cry once I realize how much I must have scared them. It's still hard to breathe and my head hurts like hell."Shit. Ow. Way to be fucking stupid Cal." Not realizing Mama was up and looking at me, letting me take in what happened. I look over at her as I reach up to my head and see she's crying. That's when I feel it. Part of my hair is shaved and I have stitches across part of my head to my temple. I start to really cry and I can't breathe. I hear the beeping pick up on one of the machines connected to me and the pressure in my head is heavy. "Cal baby you need to breathe, it's okay." I watch her as she's talking to me but I can't hear anything besides the throbbing of my head. "Callie, you need to breathe." I still can't hear her, and the pressure in my head is extremely heavy. I start wondering why she's shaking a little and then I realize I'm shaking. Then everything is just a mixture of light and movement as I get pushed onto my side.

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