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I sighed as I stared at my former fiance. I handed him back his ring and kissed him one last time on the cheek before he walked out of my store.

I began to cry again thinking of the hurt I must have caused Jordan. I didn't mean to hurt him or didn't want to, I was over Chris or maybe I wasn't. Regardless I was In love with Jordan and Chris wasn't going to change that.

I grabbed my bag and locked up my store for the night. I got into my car and drove to the only place I could think of, Chris's.


When I got to my old apartment/house I shared with Chris I saw nobody else's car but his, which is a good thing.  I walked up to the door and knocked. The February air sending chills all over my body.

I heard the doorknob unlockong and jingling before I saw Chris.

"Dre?" He whispered and squinted.

"Hi." I said.

He stared at me in shock for a moment before inviting me in.

When I got in side I saw almost all of my old things still in tact. He didn't change alot. I smiled to myself and put my purse and keys on the coffee table. I sat on the couch and he sat next to me.

"What are you doing here?"He asked, clearly concerned.

I began to tear up and then wipe them before they could escape down my face.

"Jordan heard you... and I. He told me that i could never love him as much as I loved or love you. So I gave him his ring back" I said. Sniffling here and there. "So turns out im not getting married. " I sadly laughed

Not because it was funny, because I didn't know what else to do.

"Im so sorry, dre" he said before wrapping his arms around me tightly and kissing my forehead.

"Cant... breathe" I squeaked.

"Sorry" he chuckled before pulling away.

"So do you love me, dre?" He asked.

I nodded and grabbed his hand, "it's always been you Chris. "

"But I don't want this right now. So wait for me, or don't. But I don't want a relationship right now " I cried.

He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me to his chest "you just got out of being engaged. I wouldn't blame you if you didn't want a relationship for a year"

I smiled and laid on his chest, as I've done many times before.

"So what about you and Gaia. " I asked quietly.

His heartbeat quickened and then slowed.

"I knew you were going to say that" he chuckled.

"We're just friends. After she realized how utterly in love with you I am, she broke up with me " Chris stated.

"I swear to god" he said.

"You don't even believe in God. " I chuckled.

"I never said that" he protested.

"You never said you believed either " I laughed a bit.

"I missed this, Dre. I mean you and I sitting on the couch, laughing cause im a man and I don't giggle. " He said

"You've giggled a number of times, Chris. " I laughed.

"I'd like to think of it as more of a manly man chuckle " he said.

**** COMPLETED *** Love Isn't Just A Four Letter Word((chris motionless))Where stories live. Discover now