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Harley found herself, as they walked through the forest, stopping every few seconds to stare at the flowers

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Harley found herself, as they walked through the forest, stopping every few seconds to stare at the flowers. They were the most beautiful part that the woods grew. The Ark had plants, but it was something about being on Earth that made the woods look much better. She tried to block out the conversation happening after Finn hit on Octavia by tucking a purple flower behind her ear as she hung behind.

Clarke was the one that led them, and growing annoyed by their lack of rushing, she turned around. "Hey, guys," she called. "Would you try to keep up?" The blonde seemed irritated by their lack of caring for where they were heading.

"Come on, Clarke!" Finn called back, turning his head in amazement at the tall trees that hid the sunlight. "How do you block all this out?"

Clarke suddenly stopped, catching Harley by surprise as she almost tripped from being nearly behind her. "Well, it's simple," she began to shoot back. "I wonder, 'why haven't we seen any animals?' Maybe it's because there are none. Maybe we've already been exposed to enough radiation to kill us!" Her words were urgent, and set a quiet hush over the group. Even Harley suddenly felt uneasy, like Clarke was a scientist telling them they were all going to drop dead any second. "Sure is pretty, though. Come on."

Harley heard Octavia snort softly, and leaned over to whisper to Harley. "Someone should slip her some poison sumac." Harley couldn't help but smile; covering her mouth before any giggles poured out before they continued their walk, but Octavia continued talking to her. "So, what'd you do?" She asked curiously. "To land here. You seem to nice to be with a bunch of criminals."

"Oh," Harley started, shyly tucking her hair behind her ears. "I was caught when John Murphy committed an arson crime. They blamed me too, thinking that I did it for some reason. No one believed me when I said otherwise," she explained.

Nodding, Octavia brushed aside a branch that they were about to run into. Harley ducked to avoid it, as Octavia continued to speak, still interested to know more. Finn, who was ahead, joined in their game and asked Monty and Jasper what they had done. "And they just, blamed you even though you were innocent?" She asked, her eyebrows creasing. "Why?"

The question made Harley consider and think twice about what she thought. Octavia had a point, though. The guard's just assumed Harley chose to help Murphy, and refused to listen to any innocent plea that she had. She's never thought that there might be a reason why that they arrested her alongside Murphy. "I don't know," she finally answered, clueless and without a smile this time.

Jasper interrupted the girl's conversation, looking over his shoulder to face Octavia. "How about you, Octavia?" He spoke up. "What'd they get you for?"

Every emotion on Octavia's face was shown at once, until her expression was made of only stone. Harley frowned at the change of heart coming from the other, knowing that Octavia was arrested for being born as the crime of a second child was heavily forbidden. "Being born," she finally muttered under her breath bitterly.

𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞︱the 100, book 1Where stories live. Discover now