Daddy issues

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"My father broke my heart long before any boy had the chance to."

"What's wrong?" Stefan asked our blonde friend once we entered her house

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"What's wrong?" Stefan asked our blonde friend once we entered her house.

"Tyler knows about you and Damon" she looked worried.

"Caroline." I sighed as many thoughts ran through my mind.

" I swear I didn't tell. And he also knows damon killed mason."

" it's that woman Jules. She had a run-in with Damon." Stefan told us.

"Of course." I mumbled. That is such a damon thing to do.

" Tyler was so upset. The look on his face, he was so betrayed."

"This is bad." Stefan pointed out.

" you're not gonna tell Damon, are you?"


Stefan and I shared a look after giving two completely different answers.

" Mal, he already wants to kill him"

" yes but maybe I could talk him in to going after Jules only" I mentioned but it didn't look like they were going for it.

" it's too risky. He thinks all werewolves should die and he's not wrong to think that, Caroline." He waited for her to nod so he knew she was listening. " I mean, what if Tyler tries to retaliate? He has every right to. He can get himself killed."

" well, we're not gonna let that happen. We have to get to him and reason with him before he does something stupid"

"Relax, care" I placed my hand on her arm. "Stefan will go talk to tyler"

"I will?"



So many thoughts running through my brain with the witches deal, with tyler and Damon. That I decided to focus on the witch thing.

"John. Can I speak with you?" I asked him as he stood with my family, Damon and Alaric. "Alone"

"Assuming this about the witch thing."

"Yes, John about that stupid witch." I ran my hand through my hair. "Did you know what she wanted in return?"


"You're an ass for even putting me into this situation."

"I'm trying to help." He grabbed my arm when I tried to walk away.

"Stop trying." I pulled my arm away.

"You're ungrateful."

"And you're a dick." I pulled my arm back and hit him.

"Lia." Elena yelled.

"You better figure out away to help her or I swear I'll kill you."


"Leave it alone, Damon."


"You said it was an emergency?" Alaric asked while standing by my bedroom door.

"Yeah" I sighed. "I found a way to save Elena's life"

"By the way you look I'm assuming a but is coming"

"John found this psychic which who told me that she can save Elena in exchange for my first born child"

"A child?"

"Yeah it's very confusing and something I don't even want to get into"

"Then what's the but?"

"I gave up on the idea of me ever having a child when I died but, I now know my future and I-" I stopped myself knowing what I was about to say is selfish. "I'm not sure if I wanna risk that saving Elena"

"Ya know I can't make this decision for you, Malia, but I know nobody will judge you with whatever you decide."

"They would hate me." I buried my head in my hands. "Stefan and Damon would hate me"


"What's wrong?" Caroline asked stefan as we girls waiting off to the side.

"I was a bit worried about you" Stefan smiled at her. "After everything you went through tonight"

"I'm fine" she cut him off.

"Good, but just Incase I brought some back up" he looked at us.

"We're gonna slumber it" Elena hugged her and Bonnie joined.

"We haven't done it in ages"

"I'm so happy you are okay, care" I pulled her into a hug.

"We Love you"

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