Nerves and worry

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As bad as it may seem, life is beautiful.

Some Thursday afternoon.
"We know you like him Lucy. We just know it." Lucy donevin and Christopher Atkins. Oh how I could see it now. They were yin and yang, the peanut butter to each other's jelly, the..... you know what I'll stop. Anyways, it was perfect. And I loved every moment I saw them together. He was sweet and a nice guy, he was athletic and not a complete douche although he had his moments.
"Kate!" I could just tell Kate was about to be murdered, maybe not physically but you never know with Lucy.
"Yes?" There was almost a panic in Kate's voice, it was comedic.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP!! He is right over there!!" And he was. I didn't see anything in him, but I don't see anything in anyone.
Everyone laughed away, and we talked about who we liked.
"So we need to address the giraffe in the room." Alice had never really understood thing like this. You know, things like, sayings. We all went along with it, because it was hilarious.
"And that is....?" I knew exactly what it was but I needed time to think of an excuse. I couldn't come right out and tell them I liked someone. And besides, I didn't even know if I liked him. The girls all exchanged looks. Oh god, I still hadn't thought up an excuse. Oh well, here we go....
"Who do you like Marcia?" Of course. What else do teenage girls talk about?
"No one" I gave it to her straight.
"The old man who lives down the road"
"You mean the one with the long hair?" Annie knew the exact guy I meant.
"Yes. No! I don't like anyone."
"Whatever. Who do you like?!" Alice said it with such urgency, I would've imagine the context should be about something a little more concerning.
"I don't" short answers usually stopped the questions, but not this time.
"Oh come on! I know you like someone! You've been super distracted lately!" Oh god, if only Alice knew.
"Yea, come on Marcia! I know who you like!" This statement that came from Lucy shocked me! There was no way she knew! I hadn't even liked him for that long! I swear this girl could read minds.
"I don't like anyone. End of conversation." And with that I decided to walk up to my final class of the day. Maths.
I have always hated Maths. I'm pretty sure I hate it because I'm no good at it, that usually seems to be my reasons for not liking something, because I'm terrible at it. I pull out all I needed for the class and line up, waiting patiently for the teacher to arrive. I looked around to see if I could see my teacher coming and there he was. No not my teacher. Alexander. Alex for short. He was the boy I liked. God I hated it. He was in the year above me, he was also friends with some of my older friends, tia and Marie. These feelings were something I had to get rid of, you see, I just didn't know how. I had been talking to tia for a little bit. About what he was like, and how I was almost certain he liked another girl, and besides I didn't even know him that well. Oh but everything about Alex made me want to scream out loud. I guess this is how all the other girls felt. Lucy with Christopher. Alice and Kate both liked the same guy, cooper Allen. Annie totally had a thing for Alan Richards. And I had always been the one hit wonder of the group, I dated people. I just never actually liked anyone. Well that was until now. God Alex was almost perfect. I had known him for a while but I had never really sat down and had a conversation with him. These thoughts that I had, caused this weird feeling through out my body. It was strange and foreign. My stomach dropped, my mind buzzed with millions of thoughts, and oh my heart ached. It was like as if I were preforming in front of millions of people, and I knew no lines. This feeling wasn't overly bad, but it wasn't overly good either.

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