Chapter 8

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David's pov:

I sneak through the back door and get into my car and drive to Lizas house. She asked me to meet her at 12
I see her small body scale down her house and run towards the car. She looks behind her before getting in. I peck her on the lips and take her hand in mine.
David: where to today
Liza: let's go back to that cliff
I grin at her and drive off.
We pull up at the cliff top and get out the car.
I lean on the hood of my car and liza rested on my chest.
Liza: I'm sorry about today
David: why are you sorry
Liza: you got in a fight cause of me, that girl said shit about you and your family and now I've made you sneak out and meet me.
David: you didn't make me, I wanted too, none of that stuff was your fault.
She turns herself round to look at me.
She stands on her toes and presses her lips gently against mine, I brushed her lip with my tongue and slipped it inside. She smiled into the kiss as I pulled her closer to me by her waist. We pulled away and she looked over at the glowing city. She rested her head on my chest and grinned.
She picked up my bruised hand and rubbed circles with her thumb.
Liza: I still can't believe you beat up that guys
David: he shouldn't have done what he did
Liza: what if you got really hurt though
David: I can look after myself L
Liza: I can tell
I let out a small laugh and rest my head on top of hers
David: why can't we stay like this forever
Liza: because we do have families to go back to
David: I know... don't remind me
I roll my eyes and let out a small smile
Liza: I know you don't like talking about it-
David: so let's not talk about it
She turns herself round to face me still gripping onto my hand.
Liza: we're gonna have to one day
David: just not today please
Liza: fine
She drops my hand and walks up to the small fence overlooking the city.
Just a few seconds later I get off my car hood and come up behind her. I gently snake my arms round her waist, she stands staring out at the lights her arms folded and anger in her face.
David: baby-
Liza: what David?
David: look, I'm sorry I didn't mean for it to sound like that, I just don't want to waste the only time we have together focused on why we can't be together
Liza: I don't either, but we can't hide away forever
David: what other option is there?
Liza: why do our families have to be so difficult
She sighs her head falling onto my chest.
David: I don't know baby
I gently kiss her curls, she looks up at me her brown eyes meeting mine. She stands on her toes and gently placed her lips onto mine. I kiss back instantly moving my lips against hers.
We pull away and she beams at me.
David: I love you
Her eyes widen as the words slip out my mouth and her grip on my torso loosens slightly.
David: was it too soon? I'm sor-
Liza: I love you too bubba
My face melts into a smile and I kiss her deeply once more before we leave.
I pull up at the top of her road and I can see a single light on at her house.
David: is someone awake?
Liza: no I think someone just left the outside light on
David: oh ok
She let's go of my hand and starts to unbuckle her seat belt and her hand reaches for the door
I clear my throat and she stops to look at me. She simply smiles and pecks me on the lips before climbing out the car.
She walks around to my window and leans inside.
Liza: bye bubs
David: bye L I love you
He smile grows even more
Liza: I love you too
I kiss her once more before she starts to walk down to her house, I watch as she scales the building and climbs up into her window safely.
I drive away watching Lizas window as I drive past.
I get back to my house and quietly sneak in through the back door.
Esther: where were you?
David: why are you awake? It's way past your bed time
Esther: I'm 13 not 7 I don't have a bed time
David: yes you do and it's definitely not at 2am now off to bed
Esther: where have you been
David: I just went for a drive
She looks at me weirdly deciding whether or not she should believe me. She sighs and heads for the stairs, I follow close behind and make my way to my bedroom. I do a quick scroll through my social media and fall asleep.

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