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The apprentices were stopped on their tracks by the sound of a horse carriage. The fast carriage stopped in front of the guest entrance gate with a screech and a rebellious neigh from the black muscular horses with dust still moving behind the wheels. It was black- quite an unusual colour since most families will have red or green.

The carriage driver wearing fitting black clothes got down and opened the carriage door, the carriage door sporting a symbol of a golden war horse in position to charge right ahead. A man stepped down from the carriage wearing similar black cloth to the driver but only that he wore a deep blue robe over his shoulder and his black suit was tailored much finer with more golden seams. His left side of his suit had many badges sewn to the fabric surface. As the man finally stood fully on the ground with his tall stature, despite his gentle features, he had a sternness in his gaze.

 The girls momentarily lost track of the real world. Awed by the man and his bold entourage, their unique uniform and the man's tough exterior along with the aura of his disciplined mood, they were in no doubt. The only question was, what brought the commander of Ni to shijian?

The commander climbed up the stairs and walked past in his steady fast steps toward the guest room where the old master receives guests from outside Shijian. Their eyes followed him all the way to the door until his strong figure disappeared behind the curtains.

"Wow!" Some of the girls exclaimed. They have never seen any imperial official from up so close and to see one in all his grandness, they were truly moved.

"It's general commander of Ni! Isn't he awesome?" They squealed as they described him. The girls were students of the reputed Shijian after all. How could they fail to recognise important officials of their kingdom? Beside some of them made it their hobby to know everything about the state officials- from their favourite food to their phobias.

"Move! Move! You girls should be ashamed!" A madam came over and shooed them away from loitering. She had a feeling some temple customs were violated as the girls stood to gawk at a stranger man from far.

Once Madam's shove got to them, they woke up from their momentary daze and expressed acute frustration. Unable to say anything they sighed and turned for class.

The legend of Commander Chang Zhu was known far and wide. The man who rose from poverty and negligence to being the top scorer in military exam in his year, it truly inspired commoners like the Shijian apprentices. They were fascinated by the man's incredible feat and they see something of their dreams in him. To finally see him for the first time, they held much respect and fascination for him. It bothered them that Madam interpreted their curiosity as something else.

In the lunch hour the chatter was stronger than ever.

Between the sound of ceramic bowls against table and chopsticks clicking, the young studious girls of the Shijian had much to discuss about the guest in Old Master's room.

"Honestly....Why's he even here?"

"Who knows? Old master is respectable. Many officials visited him before to pay their respects or..." The girl's eating motion slowed down as she realized something. "Could it be...we are at the verge of war again and the commander came for blessings?!"

"Nonsense!" Her companion smacked her hand causing her to lose grip on the chopsticks. With an aghast expression she retorted "Stop thinking such unlucky things! Seriously you have some ill mouth!"

Grabbing her chopsticks again she tipped the bowl of fish soup to drink from it. "But then again, why is he here?"

"Is that what you're worrying about?" The girl sitting opposite to them put down her rice bowl with a displeased look on her face. "I'm more worried about what they are serving the ow so honourable commander. I hope it ain't this dried fish."

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