A visit

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A week has passed by since the trainees were back in rhythm. The classrooms had students attentively learning and taking notes, dining hall contained the usual buzz and the afternoons were filled with the chuckles and chatter.

Kiamun, Liling and the rest of the girls in probation worked out during the afternoons and early dawn. Sweeping, scrubbing, dish washing and even cooking- they were assigned to all sorts of spare tasks.

Principal Madam watched through her office window at the scene of the girls cleaning her yard.

"You finally did the right thing" Madam Ro remarked standing beside her by the window.

"No" Principal Madam looked deeply at the figure of Liling stooping down to pick up rubbles. "I am making her leave"

On her desk lied the letter from Xianyi Yat Sen. The sentences on it...."Cooperate with me....My daughter's well being is my responsibility.....She needs to come back home....Old Master is being adamant....Best if she wishes to return on her own...."

The Xianyi master truly knew his way. He bore the shame of an escaped daughter and now his daughter in the disguise of a student in Shijian continues to add to that shame. Since his requests were methodically averted by old master- the monk was under the impression that his daughter wasn't safe in her own house, it lowered his dignity to the head monk.

"Harshen the conditions....make her suffer in ways you believe is fit...you have my permission..."

Principal Madam watched the girl struggle to lift a heavy water bucket. She was indifferent to the sight just as she was to the rest of the girls. Watching with her stark eyes she remembered Master Xianyi's orders. She had no reason to defy or support the child.

Outside, beneath the window Liling put in all her strength to lift up the bucket. She wasn't raised to lift buckets. Even a cup of tea was served to her on her bed back in Xian Fu. The role of a noble daughter- everything her father wanted from her.

Liling was a stubborn child. The elders registered her as having rage problem. She was quick at talking back, zapping at people to lay down her opinions and thoughts regardless of age. And more importantly, she had the guts to do things most noble daughters wouldn't even dare. For most noble daughters cherished their noble status- something that granted their snobbish attitude but Liling was all about having her way- noble or not.


A bucket was put in front of her by another girl. "The whole yard. Get started" The girl eyed her. Seeing the pity in those eyes, Liling's clutch on the bucket handle tightened. With bitten lower lip, she silently nodded her head.

Many kilometers away by the city gate a carriage slowly stopped.

The gate guard came forward for inspection. "Whose Carriage is this?"

The carriage driver took out a medallion and passed it to the guard.

The guard raised the medallion in the light to look at it. His eyes lit up with recognition and surprise. He bowed bending his waist the next moment. "Welcome to the city of Ni. We are honoured." He signed his men to open the gates. The large city gates in front of them moved with a slow heavy sound, opening a passage for them.

"Have a pleasant stay" The guard wished to the carriage returning the medallion to the driver whose expression was hazy as he whipped his horses to trot through the gates.

Back in the Shijian, classes were on.

"After you finish this chapter... we will have an open discussion on active release technique..." Madam left the two to read from the book.

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