My Beautiful but.......Human Mate

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It was on that same day, when i first laid eyes on her, that i knew, she had bewitched me right from the very start, with those memorizing eyes of hers.

It was on that same day, when i knew, she had put not only me, but the entire school as well, under her inescapable spell, that had us wanting to please her in any way possible, just to see her tilt her lips into that graceful smile of hers, that had everyone captivated.

It was on that same day with all eyes on her, as she glided past everyone as if she was an angel gracing us with her mere presence, which had people splitting like the red sea to make way for her(even if said school was entirely made up of wolves).

It was also on that same day, i had finally found my mate, but there was only one problem, my beautiful mate, my only other half, my soulmate was a human.

Damian Russo, a leader, a hot leader, a very admired HOT leader, is next in line to be future alpha to one of 2 of the strongest werewolf pack in the world the Blood Rouge Pack.

On the day he discovered his mate, he couldn't bring himself to accept the fact his other half was human.

He had planned to reject her.

But the unexpected happens, when the two half meet, and Mika Sanchez(human mate) does not seem to be affected, at all, by the great future alpha.

Many months have passed and surprisingly Damian has neither rejected or accepted his mate, but instead has befriended her, to the point, she is now his best friend and closest confidant.

All things seem to be going well for Damion, he can now focus on getting a strong werewolf mate to rule along side him, with one of the strongest werewolf packs, who would follow him to the end of the world and back right behind him, as well as, but secretly most importantly to him of all, his best friend, his confidant, his human mate, right beside him and will be with him every step of the way, and that is the one thing he will never ever let change, because although he may not want her, he will never ever let her go, no matter the consequences.

But wait, what happens when the Blood Rouge Pack biggest rival the Shadow Valley Pack arrive on the scene, as well as a potential Luna for Damian, and what happens when Damian after all that time has come to realise, finally, how he has fallen for his human mate, who now only sees him like a brother, and also to make things worst it seems her and the Shadow Valley Pack Alpha have some history together.

What should the future alpha do

........well you will just have to find out for yourself right.

My Beautiful but.......Human MateWhere stories live. Discover now