Chapter 1

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Damian POV

I arrive to school, and just in time. People already start to surround my car, and I hadn't even stepped out of the car yet. I grab my backpack from the back seat, and open up the door. I am then hit with the usual people from 'my' group. Jocks, Cheerleaders, Rebels, Rich everything that deems them popular in my eyes, they are in 'my' group.

Every one of them, all trying to gain my attention. Girls rubbing themselves on me. Jocks talking to me about the game last night. Rebels talking about their fights. Rich talking about the latest cars, and stuff. It is all the same to me. Although most of my time is spent with these people, I would drop them in a heartbeat if I ever wanted to, and they knew it. And once that's happen, there more or less a loser just like the rest of the school. It is why, I rule this school.

Everything is as always, just waiting for the time of her arrival.

I would never have thought that this day, that seemed to be the same as any other, would be any different. Until she had arrived...

And no, I don't mean my mate, but the one I would hope could replace her, and be the Luna alongside me. It may seem harsh, that I would replace my mate, but we had both agreed it would be for the better, if not so enthusiastically from my former mate. It even seemed she was ecstatic about it, which if I am being serious, kinda hurt....

"Dammn who the hell is that?"

"I would totally tap that"

"Eewww who does she think is....."

Everyone in my group begins to say, every one of them fakers. I could never trust any of them, but I am the king and I need my followers, even if it meant surrounding myself with people I could never consider as friends. In which has me remembering something my mate once said, forgetting all about the new piece of hot meat, who only seemed to have eyes on me, which didn't go unnoticed by everyone, boys in jealousy, and girls in possessive anger for me.


I had never in my life, felt as peaceful as I did now. Twirling a piece of her hair in my finger. I pull her closer to me. We lay on her bed, just staring at one another, while me at her, while she tries to sleep. I can't help but smile at the small frown on her forehead. Ever since I had arrived one hour ago, she has been trying to sleep, and not succeeding with my constant pestering of her, wanting to spend as much time with her as possible.

She then opens her eyes, and I am yet hit again, with the beauty of them. Pure blue, with a circle of bright green around the pupil. I am so enthralled with them, I completely missed out on her question, until that is her melodious laugh bought me back.

"Wait...what.. I mean go on", I say, clearly missing out on what she said, too hypnotized by her beauty, which she clearly noticed, as she begins to giggle, and makes me blush, which made her giggle even more, while I made her promise to never tell anyone else what she and only she could do to me. It would be an embarrassment to me. I mean I am not know as our school ruthless ruler for nothing.

"I was saying, why do you surround yourself with people, you obviously hate and don't care for....",I was just about to protest, when I'm interrupted by her.

"And don't you dare say otherwise, because you knows its true", she says while sitting up, and then placing my head in her lap, and then begins to stroke my hair.

"Damian, even if you surround yourself with people that want to be with you, it won't matter in the end, you will still feel alone", she says so seriously, that I am instantly aware that she has stopped playing with my hair, and now just looks sadly down at me.

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