Not what I thought...

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~ (F/N) POV ~
"Come on Jaeger! That all you got?" I laugh as I dodge his punch again.

"Stop moving! I can hit you if you just-" he gets cutoff by me flipping him over and landing flat on his back. "Hey!"

I laugh as I see him get up, that's going to hurt tomorrow. "I think that's enough hand to hand combat for you, otherwise you will be in even more pain in the morning."

"Yeah.. your probably right..." he says reluctantly walking away. Poor kid.

My ears twitch and I look up to see Levi staring down at the grounds from his office. He changed from when I first saw him. Not as scruffy, more unkempt and strong. 'Bah! Stop thinking like that now! He's your corporal!' I shake my head at the thought and smile, walking back to the other cadets.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!"

I tilt my ears toward the voice and turn to see a woman with glasses running full speed toward me, hands outstretched. Panicking I climbed the nearest tee and sat there for a moment. 'Crap! How do I get down?! Why do I only think of this after I'm stuck!!' I think as I sit on the branch.

"Hi! I'm Hanji! Don't be afraid I won't hurt you! Come down I just want to see your ears and tail!" Hanji says smiling, that was probably the one pleasant thing of the introduction so far.

"U-um.. I k-kind of.." I start saying embarrassed, until the branch started breaking and suddenly I'm falling.

I don't feel the ground but I feel someone's arms around me, when I look up it's corporal Levi, holding me bridal style.

"Tch, idiot brat! What were you thinking?!" He says furious as he drops me to the ground.

My tail bristles, this is not how I figured he would be. He is nothing like I imagined. How is the one person who is so cold humanities strongest?!

He walks inside but I chase after him, hitting him in the back as hard as I can.

"What now?" He says annoyed.

"Why are you so cruel? Haw can the one person with the ability to save all humanity be so heartless when you need a heart to fight for people! Even if they cast you out just because you're different?!" I shout letting every feeling I've had since I got here spill out.

His eyes were widened a bit, but all he did was walk away. Not one word in response to me. He just kept walking, beginning to cry I shout something I didn't believe, something that made my heart break. But I had to say it.

"I HATE YOU!" I scream tears flowing down my face as I run through the grounds into the forest. I regret what I said so much. But maybe that got through his thick skull. Those three words.

I. Hate. You.

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