Chapter 6: Mira and Lisanna OTP mission begins!

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I'm very truly sorry for the late update... My phone was suddenly had a problem and I need to use my little sister's old phone, because she didn't use it anymore... So thanks with the vote you gave to me... And enjoy!!

Lisanna's POV

As we ran to the master's office, I saw Mira-nee is leading and Natsu behind her. We ran as fast we can so they didn't notice us. We ran and arrived at master's office and quickly go into the master's office and shut the door off

"What's wrong my child? You guys looks tried" Master ask
"G-Gramps! What's wrong with them?! They suddenly fighting over me and... and they said that I will be their mate... And and... "
"Calm down Natsu" I was clamming him down, since that he was shock after everyone fight over him...

Master Makarov's POV

"Clam down Natsu"

I sigh realize that Natsu was freaking out... I look at him and I've get to sense forbidden potion is on Natsu

"Natsu, you and your team go to Blue Pegasus right?" I look at his black onxy eyes
"Y-yes but when we finished the job and heading towards to Magnolia... Erza, Lucy and Gray are acting weird especially Erza... She just let me sleeps at her lap so that I can feel comfy but she didn't knock me down! But when I'm laid at her lap, I can feel tension between Lucy and Gray... And when we already arrived at the guild Mira greets us like always and suddenly Juvia hugs me from my back and called me "Natsu-sama" and then Erza scream and Lucy suddenly wants to challenge her and Gray also have a fight with them and the final one is everyone is fighting just want to be mine's!!!! Grrraaammmppsss hhheeeelllllpppp meeeee~"

'That's a lot of information than I've thought' I sighed and figured out what's happen to them... And then I've realized something 'He said everyone wants to be his mate.... That's mean everyone is attracted to him!'

"Natsu you actually put Attractive Potion to yourself. Why or how do you do that? Or maybe Ichiya put at you some?"
"Wha... That's why I had a sudden sneez when we collecting the reward money..."
"So how do Natsu had to disple the potion, Master?" Mira ask
"To disple the potion Natsu must pick someone in this guild that he truly love. The potion didn't care if Natsu felt in love with a woman or men in this guild... But the most important is he must pick one only one.. After he picks that person the spell will be completly disple." I explain to them
"So that's mean Natsu needs to fall in love with someone in this guild?"
"Yes. But there's a problem about this potion" I said in a serious tone
"What's the problem Gramps?" Natsu ask
"There's a couple of people who also affected with that potion"
"What do you mean Master?"
"It's mean there someone out there also attracted to Natsu... That's why Natsu need some help to fine his soul mate so I hope you guys can help him?"

I winked my eyes to the Strauss sisters, they share their looks and look back at me with a bright smile...

3rd Person's POV

They came out from the guild master's office and snick to the bar.

"Well, how do we help Natsu, Mira-nee?" Lisanna whispers to her elder sister
"Hmm... Oh yeah how about we made a mission to help him" Mira whisper back but in a exciting tone
"Well... How? We can't let the other guild also know that Natsu is the person who under that spell..  We afraid that the person who attracted to Natsu is a bad one" Lisanna said with a worried tone
"How about we decide to help him by dating with them? Don't care women or guys but all of them needs to date with him. So do you agree Lisanna?"
"Yesss totally yes it must be a fun and cute"
"So what we should called our mission eh Lisanna?"
"Hmm how about 'Mira and Lisanna OTP mission'?  That's sound cute right." Lisanna giggled
"Alright then! From now on this mission is officially begin!" Mira chuckles

To be continue

Sorry for the short chapter... I had no any idea what to write it😥 so I didn't belong Fairy Tail

Jaa naa minna-san😘

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