{SPECIAL} Interview Fairy Tail strongest team / Team Natsu

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Gratsu: Yo minna-san! Today we are just going to talk with the Fairy Tail Strongest Team!
Natsu: .....
Happy: What's wrong Natsu? *look at Natsu*
Erza: Maybe he didn't have any mood today,  but that's odd 'cause Natsu and Gray will fight sometimes at the guild
Gratsu: Yeah maybe
Lucy: Hey what's wrong? *patted Natsu's back*
Happy: You like himmm~~~
Natsu: .....
Gray: Oi Natsu! This isn't really you! What's wrong with you actually?!
Gratsu: *whisper to Lucy* I'm sure Natsu wanted to talk about 'it' *smirk*
Lucy: About what?
Natsu: .... ABOUT THIS BOOK!!!! WHY AM I BE THE VICTIM??? WHYYYY???? I HATE THIS BOOK! *kicks the table*
Wendy: N-Natsu-san...
Charle: Where did the table come from? I can't see the table before but why the table suddenly appeared here??
Lucy: Natsu calm down plz
Erza: Natsu, behave and sit down *glares at Natsu*
Natsu: Hmp! *he sits, crossed his arm and look away*
Gratsu: OK! Today's topic was about your opinion about this book everyone will answer except Natsu. Lucy, you go first
Lucy: W-well... *blush* I honestly like this book, personality
Gratsu: Erza
Erza: Well about this book. It was very interesting and I heard that Mira and Lisanna will plan a date for Natsu
Gratsu: hehe... Gray
Gray: well I just hate this when the part when I wanted to brought Natsu some food but about the date I can't wait for it
Wendy: Me to! But... Who's will Natsu-san will pick?
Erza, Lucy, Gray: Of course he would pick me!
Erza, Lucy, Gray: WHAT DID YOU SAY!!!
Charle: *faceplam* minna, can you guys just stop fighting
Happy: Aye! Natsu will surely only can pick one
Gratsu: that's right. You guys need to do the best for winning Natsu's heart! And Natsu *go to Natsu's side*
Natsu: What?
Gratsu: So he's still angry huh?  I wanted to tell you something *whispers to Natsu's ear*
Natsu: *after hearing something at Gratsu's whispering moment* WHAT?!
Wendy: But that can't be true! Natsu-san was....
Gray: Hey what's wrong Wendy?
Lucy: What do you mean by 'can't be true'?
Erza: Explanation pls
Gratsu: No! Nyahahaha *winked her eyes* OK guys that's all for today! And someone will come!
Erza: Wait! Who will be the first person who gets to date with Natsu?
Gratsu: You will found out soon Erza... So Natsu will you end our conversation pls
Natsu: Alright... *sigh* Well that's all for our interview with Fairy Tail Strongest Team. Jaa naa minna-san!!

Spoilers to the next chapter

Natsu- why do I had to wear this?

Mira- Enjoy your date Natsu!

Natsu- Yo,  _____! Sorry that I'm late

??? - Hello Natsu *blush* Don't worry, Natsu. I'm also just arrive here a few minutes ago

Natsu- OK so let's start our date ____?

??? - OK let's go!

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