Bully central

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Tomika's POV

Today is a normal day in school for me, confused let me fill you guys in. Everyday I get bullied by Summer, Zack and Lawrence. I normally eat lunch with my best friend Freddy but I can't seem to see him anywhere. Just then I see Summer, Zack and Lawrence walk up to me, great

Summer: hey has you boyfriend ditched you

Tomika: he's not my boyfriend he's my best friend and I don't control what he does

Summer then takes my food a put the plat upside down on my head


Summer (flirty wave): hey Freddy why don't you come sit with me instead of this loser

Freddy: Tomika is not a loser and there is no way on earth I will sit with you

Freddy then sits down next to me and he get the plate off my head. When he does I see everyone laughing at me so I run to the classroom. I hear someone run after me, I just hope it's Freddy

Freddy: hey you ok

Tomika: why me

Freddy then comes and hugs me and I hug back rubbing my head against his chest so he has food all over his shirt

Freddy: thanks for that Mika

Tomika: your welcome Fred

Freddy: and to answer your question Mika, they're just jealous of you

Tomika: jealous of what though

Freddy then kisses my forehead

Freddy: I have an idea

Tomika: what

Freddy then takes me to the one place no one in school goes, the roof, I wonder why he took me here

Freddy: Mika look around what do you see

Tomika: I see you always being there for me

Before Freddy could say anything summer, Zack and Lawrence walked up to us, how did they know we were here

Summer: I don't get this, I'm prettier than Tomika, smarter, I have a better figure, I'm not ugly like her. Yet you stand by her no matter what

Freddy: she's my best friend I care about her

Summer: just think Freddy me and you could be the power couple of the school, don't you want to be popular

Freddy: no I don't

Lawrence: why not

Freddy: I would rather get bullied by you three then stop being friends with Tomika

Tomika: aww that's so sweet

Zack: rethink that answer Freddy

Freddy: I don't need to

Summer: why don't you kill yourself Tomika no one wants you here

Tomika: no

Summer: what did you just say to me

Tomika: I said no, I'm done with letting you bully me

And with that summer, Zack and Lawrence leave the roof and Freddy picks me up and spins me around

Freddy: I'm proud of you Mika, I haven't heard you stand up for yourself since your dads suicide

Tomika: I know

I am so happy to have Freddy in my life

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