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This one shot was requested by kiyliapepperson679

Freddy's POV

Right now me and tomika are walking through the school as we have just come from detention and yes we are there a lot. My thoughts were interrupted by Tomika punching my shoulder and yes she does that a lot too

Freddy: what

Tomika: well that was rude

Freddy: sorry but seriously what do you want

Tomika: what's put you in a bad mode Fred

Freddy: you know

Tomika: ok the whole summer thing, come on Fred she's not worth your moping

Freddy: I'm not moping

Tomika: oh you are

Freddy: shut up

Tomika: make me

Before I could do anything someone puts a sack over mine and Tomika's head and they knock us unconscious. The last thing I felt before they did was them dragging me and I think Tomika to somewhere


Nobody's POV

Tomika and Freddy are no where to be found. There friends don't even know they've been kidnapped

Summer: guys where's Tomika and Freddy

Lawrence: I don't know but I'm not surprised you did hurt Freddy's feelings summer

Summer: what it's not my fault I didn't feel the same way he did

Zack: yeah I don't think they're coming today

Summer: great I had an announcement to make

Mr Finn then comes though the window like he usually does to find a note on his desk, which said:

If you want Freddy and tomika back, then come alone to the abandoned factory and we'll negotiate a price

Mr Finn: guys Freddy and tomika have been kidnapped

Zack: sure they have mr Finn

Lawrence: they've just ditched

Summer: yeah they'll be back tomorrow

Mr Finn: guys I'm giving you the day off

Summer: why

Mr Finn: I jut realise I have to do something

Zummer and Lawrence: ok

And with that mr Finn leaves the school and makes his way to the abandoned factory to find Freddy and tomika ties up and beaten

#####: well, well, well if it isn't Dewey Finn

Mr Finn: Justin, why are you doing this

Justin: because you can't have a band without these two

Mr Finn: why would you kidnap them

Justin: because I know you would want them back more than the others

Mr Finn: what do you want

Justin: I want you to break up school of rock

Mr Finn: why

Justin: do night lizard can win battle of the bands again

Mr Finn: then you give Freddy and Tomika back

Justin: yes

Mr Finn: fine there's no more school of rock

Justin then unties treddy and they wake up

Treddy: what's going on and why does my head hurt

Mr Finn: long story short Justin kidnapped you and told me that the only way to get you two back is if I end school of rock

Freddy: so there no more band

Mr Finn: no


Treddy are in the classroom laughing when the others walk in

Summer: told you

Treddy: you told them what

Summer: that you two were ditching

Tomika: sum we were kidnapped, mr Finn saved us

Right on time mr Finn came through the window

Mr Finn: guys I have an announcement to make

Lawrence: what is it

Mr Finn: there's no more school of rock

Zummer and Lawrence: WHAT

Mr Finn: it was the only way to get treddy back

Summer: why didn't you just leave them, we would still be a band

Tomika: I know Freddy embarrassed you but you don't need to take it out on the both of us

Summer: oh course I do, your the reason he continued his feelings to me

Tomika: so I gave him the courage he needed

And with that Freddy and tomika storm out of the classroom

Treddy one shots Where stories live. Discover now