Chapter 3

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The sight of Celia's black eye flashed in my head as I started to grow far more worried about her. Only wearing a hoodie and a turtleneck out in a blizzard wouldn't be enough to keep her warm. Reluctantly doing what I dreaded, I opened the door and chased after the girl. Yet the blizzard countered me and had already created a white blanket, making it almost impossible to see footprints. My chances of finding Celia were dwindling with every second I spent in the elements. No matter what way I looked, she was gone, with no trace of her as the blizzard created a veil, causing a total whiteout. My body couldn't keep itself warm, and I had no choice but to give up and go home. Not knowing any other way to find her, the sun was beginning to set and create even more obstacles for me. Like a dove in a snowstorm, I trekked my way home in defeat. After freezing for what seemed like forever, I swung open the house's screen door and walked in. Absorbing the savoury feeling that was missing from the world while my body started to warm up. That's when my mother, Brooke, walked out of the kitchen.

"Oh, I see your home, son, and you look a little cold." She chuckled as I managed to slide my frozen jacket off my arms.

"Freezing, actually," I replied with my teeth chattering spastically in my head.

Still undressing until I was back to just my t-shirt and jeans, I walked over to the kitchen and took a seat at the square wooden table in the room. My mom looked at me and smiled while I was oblivious to the glowing smile on my face. Which I didn't notice right away as I looked down at my phone.

"Why are you so smiley?" She asked while stirring something in a pot.

"Nothing," I answered, giving the default teen answer.

I continued to be unaware of the smile on my face. Knowing that I quickly needed to make up a good lie to get away from the whole, I met a cute girl today topic.

"I got a role in our upcoming school play." I blurted out as my mother turned to look at me.

"Oh, and who will you be playing?" She asked, giving me her full attention as I struggled to force the next set of words out.

"A southern belle," I admitted.

"A girl's part?" She asked while raising her eyebrow.

"Yeah, the teachers said I nailed it," I told her while wishing I had actually come up with a lie.

Placing the cooking utensils that she was using to cook down. She then leaned up against the counter. Crossing her arms, I knew she was about to begin her interrogation of my poor soul. I had been in this position many times prior, so this was nothing new as I leaned back in the chair and got ready for the lightning round.

"So, are you okay playing a girl?" She asked right off the hop.

"I think so," I replied.

"Why did they give you that part and not a boy's role?" She fired back while I didn't miss a beat.

"It's all that they had left," I explained as her look turned to one more curious.

"Left? They picked spots before auditions were done?" She remarked as I exhaled heavily.

"Yeah, it's stupid, but that's how they did it," I told her as she shook her head.

"Well, I mean, if you're comfortable with it, then I'm proud of you for taking one for the team, I guess." She replied as the game of twenty questions ended.

"Thanks, mom. Also, I might need your artistic abilities on the day so I can be properly dressed up," I mentioned.

"I'd be happy to help." She answered.

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