Birthday (Kimi Raikkonen)

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- Kimi, are you ready? - you were in the living room, searching for the phone. Kimi did not answer. - Kimi? - no answer. You decided to check on him in your bedroom on the second floor. When you entered the room you saw that he was laying in bed, still in his grey pants and white t-shirt.

- Raikkonen! We have to leave in 20 minutes!

He mumbled something and turned to the other side, with his back to you.

- No, mister, you will get up and prepare. Its your friend's birthday!

- I don't have friends....

- Yes, you do. Now get up!

- No...

You came closer, to the other side of the bed to face him. He didn't even open his eyes. You sighed.

- Kimi! If you won't get up right now, then...

... but you didn't finish. Kimi grabbed you by the waist and laid you down on the bed, placing himself on you and coming back to sleep.

- ... K... Kimi....

- Lets just stay here...

- But you friend...

- I want you more than my friend, lets just sleep together. Please.

His head was buried in your neck and his breathing was sending tickles. You smiled at his sleepy, but peaceful face, and started to stroke his hair.

- Okay... Lets stay here.

He smiled.

- I love you. - Raikkonen groaned before falling asleep.

- I love you too, my lazy boy.

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