breaking up

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Breaking Up With Him

Aidan- You couldn't take it anymore, any of the supernatural werewolf business. You were fed up with how much time Aidan didn't spend with you, you understood but you still rarely saw him. And when he was home he was always tired and just sat in bed all day. You didn't blame him but you needed someone who stood with you and at the end of the night you could talk about your whole day. You knew what you had to do and it tore you apart even considering the decision. Your boyfriend of eleven months but you couldn't handle it anymore. One day you called him to meet you at your house whenever he had time. He texted back saying he would be there in a hour and a half. Typical. Well you decided to watch a Mean Girls to pass the time. Aidan knocked on my door an hour late. You opened the door with watery eyes about to burst any second now. "A-aidan it's good that you're here but we need to talk," you slowly spoke. "What's wrong? Are you okay?" He questioned. You didn't respond knowing that you would brake down. You took two deep breathes with your eyes closed. "Aidan I-I don't know how to say this but I'm breaking up with you." You sobbed into your hands because if you even touched his hand you would take him back. "No y/n we can fix this I promise," Aidan pleaded tears rushing down his face. "I think it's best if you left now." "I at least deserve an explanation. I mean we loved each other!" That's the thing it was just to crazy you thought. If you had to say an explanation you would have to start to from the beginning, and you couldn't do that to Aidan. So to your dismay you knew you would have to make up a lie for his own good. "I met someone else," you began. "Stop lying!" Aidan shouted unexpectedly. "I heard your heart beat and it when you said that you were seeing someone else you lied! You just want the truth!" "Okay Aidan I just can't take the werewolf stuff!" you yelled. Then Aidan just walked out of the room, opened my red front door and left. As simply as that. You looked out your window and saw him absolutely break down on his motorcycle.

Derek- You caught him cheating on you. As plain as that. You wish you didn't knowing you can't be in a relationship with someone who is unfaithful. You debated on what to do after accidentally reading a text that popped up on his phone. This girl "Rebecca" apparently wanted to know what time he was picking her up for there dinner date. Well now you were just hurt and passed the angry phase of knowing this sudden news. All you needed right now was someone to hold you and tell it will be okay but that won't happen now. So you sat on Derek's couch and waited for him to get out of his shower. You felt a burst of rage when she texted back that it was their six month anniversary considering: 1.) it's been going on for six months! And 2.)You and Derek were dating for a year next week. The wave of furry came over you and you smashed the glass lamp next to you. It shattered with a big bash and you cut your hand open. Your hand bled a lot in the center of your palm. It was painful but you didn't really notice or care for that matter. Derek ran into the room asking what happened. You just threw his phone at him aiming for his head knowing that he would catch it with his amazing reflexes. His puzzled face turned into the "wow I screwed up" face real fast. "Y/n please it was the biggest mistake and I don't know how to end it with her!' Derek said not being able to have his only normal girlfriend leave him. "Well take notes then. You leave someone like this." You stated like it nothing, then proceeded your way towards the door. "Wait up y/n!" He called running towards you. "You really are just going to leave me for just one mistake?" He asked his voice going high towards the end. Unbelievable! "Just one mistake Derek? One mistake is I don't know forgetting a date, or saying the wrong thing. Cheating on someone is not just one mistake." You spoke as harshly as you could crying warm tears. Derek had wide teary eyes too now. Just as you did before, you made your way towards his elevator door without Derek saying one word.

Isaac- You two have just, grown apart. You two however were still "dating" but never spent time together. It didn't bother you or him but, I guess you guys were getting bored of each other. Isaac saw his "friends" that happened to be girls and you saw your friends that happened to be boys. You wish it could've been different from what it is now and be in love like every other Beacon High School student. But as much as you tried you could never look at him and feel love in your eyes. He knew that too. One day you told him to meet you at the park a few streets across from your house. He replied sure and you waited silently on a park bench. Thinking about using the right words without sounding to harsh. Isaac was always nice so you had to be too. Isaac arrived and looked for you. "I'm over here!" You yelled to get his attention. He did his little half smile with sad eyes probably knowing what's coming. You grabbed a pile of leaves on the bench and threw them to the side. Isaac sat down looking straight ahead. "So why'd you bring me here," He whispered so quietly I could barely hear him. "I think you know already." Isaac still stared directly ahead looking at an apple tree. "Isaac I-I'm breaking up with you." You spoke, but your voice cracked towards the end. "I know you were going to. I'm never good enough y/n," He sobbed into arm. "Isaac babe it's not that, it's just it seems that we don't spend time together and we could find someone new." Isaac cried harder into my shoulder. "You know what give it a month and if we miss each other we will see what happens." You said softly. "I think I need to go," you excused yourself and slowly walked away. Once you passed a large tree you leaned against it and let the tears fall from your eyes.

Scott- Scott was not home once again, probably out parting at some lacrosse party like the other three hundred he forgot to invite you to. Usually when he came home you two got into several large fights. Once he came home, surprisingly sober, you got up out of the comfortable soft couch you lied on waiting for him to arrive home. "Scott we need to talk," You spoke coldly. "Chill y/n. What do you want to talk about." Scott said as he leaned against the kitchen counter. "Chill? You want me to chill Scott? You always go to every single party and forget to invite me? No, actually I don't care about the parties, I care about how much time we spend together." You said sternly. Scott looked taken back by this unexpected conversation. "I think what happened is that both of our parents were right about moving in together in high school." "No that's no true don't say that!" Scott said. Probably because it was his idea. "You are so wrong! How much time do we spend together? And be honest Scott?" You questioned. Scott gulped and started to say something but closed his mouth. "Well y/n I'm sorry but my life doesn't revolve around you does it?" Oh he did not just say that! "Well Scott," You spoke smiling, "I think it's best to go our separate ways." Scott never really expected that so his face changed to cocky to wait what? "Y/n don't leave! I'm sorry I screwed up. Please take me back!" Scott pleaded. "I'll pick up my stuff tomorrow," You said with a burst of confidence, and walked out the door. Scott's missing out.

Stiles- Things were going perfect until right now. He texted you to come over at 2:00am. It was weird because he ever did this before so you rushed to his house. Nervously driving in your car you turned on the radio to pass what seemed like the longest five minute drive ever. You got out of your car and closed the drivers door quietly because it was the middle of the night. You were going to knock on Stiles' front door but it was already open "Stiles," You hissed kinda grumpy from being woken up. You followed a noise in the kitchen. It was Stiles but not any Stiles drunk Stiles. Usually this doesn't happen frequently "Heyyyy Y/n," Stiles slurred. "Stiles come here let's put you to bed," You said kindly. "Don't tell me what to do y/n!" That's the thing about drunk Stiles, he looses his temper easily. "Come on let's go upstairs." You started to grab his hand but he pulled it away to take another sip of a bottle of vodka. "Stiles your dad will be home any minute." "I don't care. Just go home y/n!" "Stiles come on!' And you grabbed his hand but he surprised even himself and slapped you across the face. It stung very badly and you could feel it already starting to swell. Stiles sobered up real fast. "Y/n" He called after you started to walk to your car. "Y/n I'm so sorry! Please forgive me," He cried. But what he didn't know is that you swore to yourself that you would never date someone who hit you. He's no exception. "We're done!" I yelled and got into the car. Stiles understood and watched you climb into your car and drive away.



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