you have to spend the night ( isaac )

814 11 1

Isaac Lahey; you're forced to stay with him overnight

[longer than usual, i hope you all like it!]

You sigh in frustration and press your mobile to your ear for about the hundredth time, groaning as once again you heard your brother's voice mail. Drawing the phone from your ear, you checked the time. It was eleven. Eleven. He was beyond late and it didn't help that you were freezing cold, dressed in nothing but your cheerleading uniform and it was raining heavily. The recorded words were nearly finished by the time you had the phone next to your ear again. After the beep, you huffed angrily.

"Hey, Scott. Just letting you know cheerleading practice finished three hours ago, no biggie. I didn't go home with Lydia because you promised that you would pick me up today. Don't know if you have a werewolf thing or you're just being a crap brother. Hope you're okay because you usually call me when this happens but clearly, you didn't. Mom isn't answering me either so I just...I don't know what I'm supposed to do. Call me back, bye." You hung up, shoving the phone in your bag. For a moment, you debated walking home but quickly decided against it just as you did every other time you thought of that option.

Well, it wasn't really an option because it was too dark to see much of anything and the only source of lighting was the thunder which you didn't particularly feel like walking in. The rain was pouring, and your house was too far away. Really nice of Scott to abandon you and your mom to ignore you.

"y/n!" You jumped as you heard your name being yelled and quickly you spun on the heel of your white sneakers in the direction that the voice came from, squinting to see who had spoken your name. The person ran over to you, revealing themselves. It was Isaac, one of Scott's friends. You didn't like him very much, or at all, really. Even though he had moved into your house almost a month ago, you didn't warm up to him. He was irritating and rude, someone you didn't really want to be around. His blue eyes were sparkling but not open entirely as rain was flying in ever direction, and his brown hair was soaking wet, as were his clothes.

"Scott asked me to come get you." He said, slightly out of breath from the distance he had ran to reach you.

"Uh, I think I'd rather walk in the rain than go with you, actually."

"Well, you don't really have a choice. Your dad is in town, so your mom is busy with him and-"

"My dad?!" You screeched, brown eyes widening. What the hell was he doing here? None of you needed him, nor wanted him around. His absence was the best thing to happen to you, Scott, and your mom, Melissa. Isaac nodded, continuing to speak.

"Scott had to help Allison, her dad ran into Peter and-"

"Scott left me here in the pouring rain for three hours to help Allison?

Really?" You shook your head, rubbing at your temples. He was definitely going to get his ass kicked when you saw him at home.

"Someone has the tendency to interrupt a lot, don't they?" Isaac questioned teasingly, his fingers curling around your forearm. "It was a life and death situation and you know how he feels about her. Besides, I'm here." After flashing you a grin, he tugged you out from under the rooftop, resulting in fat droplets of water landing all over your skin. The last thing you wanted was to have Isaac take you home but it was better than walking in almost complete darkness. Besides, it seemed like no one was really going to listen to you anyways since everyone always listened to your stupid older brother. That, and the fact that Isaac already secured a grip on you and the two of you were walking towards his car. Actually, Isaac was walking and you were being dragged.

"Nice outfit." He smirked, his electric blue eyes scanning over you and the too revealing cheer leading uniform. You shot him a glare, hitting the hand that was clutching your arm.

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