Sorry guys couldn't upload for a while. Its has been so hectic and all. And plus fever totally knocked me down. How much I hate fever.
Anyways back with the story!
For a next few days I dodged Zayn's questions about my past. I told him a lot but I still need strength to tell him the rest of it.
There are sometimes I just want to esxape my past but simply I can't. Its like I am living through it. The only thing keeping me up is Zayn.
He is just the guy who every girl just dreams of having as a boyfriend. Though sometimes he bugs me but I just...........I dare say love him.
I don't know how it just happened but I am sure this ain't any passing fancy.
I still remember the time when I felt it.
It was our first date and as usual this boy had to make it special.
"Zayn just tell me where are you taking me to?" I begged for the hundredth time to the Bradford boy. We were driving nonstop to some place which he claims to be our date venue. I hate suprises and Zayn knew it well.
"Just a little more time babe, and here we are," Zayn parked the car and got something out of the back seat.
"Zayn......." I was cut off as he tied something around my eyes. Thank god I was wearing lenses.
"Shshsh." His voice trailed off and someone opened up my door and held my hand to help me get out of the car. It was Zayn's.
"Zayn just tell me, you know how much I hate secrets," I nearky growled at him. He just laughed at my reaction.
"My my someone's cranky now," he chuckled.
We were walking somewhere( which I obviously couldn't see) and suddenly we stopped. I hurriedly removed the blindfold from my eyes and saw what I wasn't expecting at all.
We were near a riverside with a dinner table laid in front. There were twinkling lights and soft music in the background.
I loved it. From now on I can say that I love suprises like this.
I turned to face Zayn, who was nervously scratching his neck. When he looked at me, he grinned his prefect smile and took me in his arms.
"Liked it Penny?" He asked into my hair. I broke away from our embrace and kissed him on the cheek.
"Loved it."
He smiled even more. We sat at the table and talked about everything and nothing. It was just perfect, simply perfect with him. No matter how big and famous he is, he actually doesn't show it at all. He is just another normal guy. Just that he sings like a rockstar.
"So whats your fav? Pasta or pizza?" He asked.
"Pasta all the way," I laughed at his silly question. He raised his eyebrows at me and I laughed even more harder.
"What are you laughing at?" he asked as he got up.
"At your question if I like pasta or pizza," I stopped laughing sensing something fishy. I too got up to face up Zayn. He smirked at me clear sign of mischief.
"You really shouldn't hace said that," he said and caught me up in a bridal style.
"Zayn put me down now," I managed to say between my giggles. His grip on me tightened and then I saw him leading us towards a boat.
"A boat? Reall?" I was amazed by Zayn's choice of date. He was making every moment of it so special. I felt so special. I never felt like this ever before.
"Yeah I thought you might like it," he put me down and he himself got into the boat. The sky was clear and we could see the twinkling stars up on the sky.
In short perfect.
The person sitting in the infront of the boat started rowing the boat as I shifted myself to be more comfortable. Zayn scooted near me and put his both his arms on me and I put my head on his shoulder.
"You know Zayn, you make me feel so special, doing like this, setting up such a perfect date," I whispered to his shirt.
Oh did I mention he looked incredlbly handsome in his normal shirt and jeans? I guess he can manage to pull off rags and still manage to look so handsome.
"You are special Penny. The special girl in my life," he tugged up my face and kissed me tenderly. I was smiling in the kiss and I could feel he was also grinning right at the same time.
That time I realised that I had fallen for Zayn for sure. I am in love with Zayn.
"Day dreaming about me babe?" a voice caught me out of my flashback. I smiled up to the guy who I am in love with.
"Maybe," I said and interlocked our hands together.
We were in the homeroom, with Ms H was telling us something about the drama event which the school was hosting and she is hugely excited for it.
Big time Anna.
Anna fliped out when I told her about Zayn. She was squealing, dancing around like crazy and finally said that she was happy for me.
More than that she said that finally I got over Micheal and moved on.
Anna was happy and so was I.
Every now and then she catches up with me and we talk. She advices me over boyfriend stuff and me, well I listen, thats the best of what I can do.
Speaking of friends, Harry, Niall, Liam and Louis became my very close friends. They are also just like Zayn.
No wonder why these guys are best friends.
"Students there is also going to be a talent show. So seniors its your chance to show off your talent this time. Don't hesitate," Ms H spoke up and this immediately caught in my ears.
Talent show?
Yet again?
I could feel my blood go cold and my palms became sweaty. Zayn noticed this.
"Hey whats up?" he asked me as he held my hand.
I denied saying nothing. But truly there was something, actually a lot bothering me.
And Zayn shouldn't know that.
Not untl I tell him.
I will tell him soon. But when time comes.
Just now I will leave this talent show stuff aside. Too much for me to handle.
I looked up to meet Zayn's gaze and saw some spark in it. Like he wants to do something, something huge.
"Zayn are you alright?" I asked. He just smiled and said.
"Yeah everything."
I just hope so.

When I Look At You (A Zayn Malik Love Story)
RomancePenelope Winchester aka Penny is a regular teenager with unusual way of looking at things. She had a terrible past and always felt that her life will never be back to normal. But one fine day in her senior year in St Patricks High School in London...