Chapter 9 When We Talked!

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Penny's Point of View

"Helloo? Is this Zayn?" I asked nervously. Please tell you are not. Please tell you are not.

"Yeah. Penny right?" His voice sounded so husky that I could have just melted out there. 

Get a grip Penny. Get a grip! I reminded myself over and over again.

"Zayn you told me to call..."

"Penny I wanted to apologize for the earlier incident." He sounded genuinely sorry. I couldn't help but smile.

"Zayn its alright. I forgive you." I said simply. I had already forgiven him.

"Have you realised that it is the second time you are forgiving me today?" His voice was teasing. I walked around in my room. I lived in an apartment with my mum and dad. Both were docs and in a tradition I had to be too. My room was filled with photos of my parents, elder sis and.........friends.

"Yeah I just realised." I laughed at the memory when the first time I forgave him, which was like today only.

"Zayn tell your girlfriend to come here someday. I would like to meet her." A voice from the either side of the line shouted. 

"Louis!!!" Zayn said. I giggled even more. 

"Sorry Penny. Actually we all are in Louis's place. He is surely a pain in the ass." Zayn said.

"He is funny."

"Yeah. Most of the girls think he is actually." I could almost see him scratching his neck and smiling.

"Penny I just wanted to say that whatever happened today won't happen again. I will kiss you when you want. Ok?"  He continued.

"Yeah ok.......wait what?????" He will kiss me when I tell him to. Is he out of his mind?

"You caught that right? Just kidding! Relax Penny." He laughed. I actually relaxed a bit.

"You scared me."

"You sing brilliantly, you know that Penny?" He completely changed the topic. 

How can I forget he heard me sing when I wanted nobody to hear?

"Zayn about that....I don't want anybody to know that I was singing."

"But why Penny? You sing so well."

"Just don't tell alright. Promise me you won't."

"Ok as you wish."

"Thanks. It means a lot to me."

"My pleasure love." A warm feeling ran through my body. He sounded so sweet yet sincere that for one moment I wanted to hug him. Even that thought made me blush.

"I know you are blushing Penny."  I froze. How does he know that I am blushing. 

"How do you..."

"I just know it. Hey listen I have to go. Niall and Harry are eating my head off telling me to get off the phone and help them in some songs. So see you tomorrow Penny."

"Bye. Good night Zayn." I said.

"Good night Penny." Zayn said. 

"Good night Penny." The boys shouted in the background. I laughed.

"Good night boys." I said and disconnected the call. 

What a conversation! A conversation with Zayn Malik! That would be every girl's dream right?

I immediately fell on my bed and took in a deep breath. Today's day was the weirdest yet an amazing day.

I simply loved it. But then Micheal's call.......

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