when he develops feelings for you

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Valt's pov
[Valt]:everytime y/n's around i get this fuzzy feeling inside my stomach.not the hungry kind but.....something called the love kinda feeling.maybe i should talk to shu about it.

with shu~

hey shu i need to ask you about what this word called love is,i said.well who do you love,shu said.i love y/n!well why do you love her?he said.because she's pretty and i love how her e/c eyes sparkle when she's happy.i like how her h/c hair flows in the wind,i.....i...i love her!wow!?shu said amazed,you should probably tell her that then,he said.thanks for your help then and yes i will tell her that!!but i didn't do anything!!he said.yes you did you listened to me!!he replied.shu just smiled.

[Shu]:i think i have feelings for y/n.....i blush when i'm around her.and now that i realized that i love her...i start to stutter,the worst thing is that i started to avoid her and its started to make her sad.i should tell her!!i will tell her!!.......but maybe tommorow cause i'll have more confidence.

[Ken]:I like y/n but i'm to shy to ask her out,I mean i did call her cute when i first meet her,and she didn't mind at all.maybe she likes me too she called me cute one time when i talked without ker and besu.i mean who wouldn't love me i'm really adorable!!ready or not here i come

[Daigo]:i can't believe it!!i'm in love with y/n!!me the edgelord in love!!I mean....i do love her...she's like an angel,she takes me away from the shadows and brings me to the light.she's my guardian angel,and i must tell my guardian angel that i love her before its to late.

[Wakiya]:i'm in love with the most beautiful girl in the world and her name is y/n!!she's very different from the other girls,she's not a gold digger like the rest of the girls she's a kind and sweet girl with a great ass.but i don't like her because of that,i'm going to confront her and tell her how i really feel!!!

[Free]:i love y/n.she makes me smile!! which is rare because i never smile,except when she's around.i blushed once too when she sneezed like a cat and i thought it was pretty cute.she's also really strong!!when she was in the forest doing pull-ups she feel asleep with her arm still grabbing the branch and she almost fell,luckily i caught her just in time.then i noticed how her h/c hair drapped on her face and how her e/c eyes sparkled in the sunset.and how her lips looked really perfect enough to kiss on.i need her to be mine,were perfect enough to be with each other,we have alot in common after all.I must ask her to be my girlfriend right now!!but....right....now...i'm...too.....ZzzzzZ.

[Silas]:i have to admit.....i'm in love with y/n.she may be annoying sometimes but thats what i like about her.she acts all cute and hyper and that makes me wanna grab her face and kiss her.plus she has to like me back i mean i am hot and sexy,who wouldn't like a guy with abs.i'll have to go and ask her if she wants to be my girlfriend.

........i literally have nothing to say(except that my cousin is coming over again to stay for the weekend.she a real pain she makes me play with her and run)so anyways i hope you like this chapter my lovelies,bye!!

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