A Magical Evening

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You were being escorted to the Citadel by none other than Marshal Leonis. Why? Because your boyfriend, who happens to be the prince of Lucis, decided to do something fancy for Valentine's day. He wanted the day to be special and well, it was definitely that. Let us backtrack to the beginning.

Your boyfriend, the prince of Lucis, called you before you could begin your work day. To even hear from him during the AM hours was an astonishing. He asked you to have breakfast with him at his place. Luckily, you lived two floors below him, so you obliged him. You gathered your work clothes you did a shortened version of your morning ritual. Within 20 minutes you were ringing his doorbell.

Noctis poured the orange juice and looked at the perfect table setting. With a lot, more like all, help from Ignis the table looked festive. He walked to the door when he heard his bell. Feeling a bit nervous he wiped the powder sugar from his hands and opened the door. He revealed a charming yet nervous smile when he laid eyes on you. Even in your adorable pajamas you were still the most beautiful girl in all of Eos. He took your hand and pecked your cheek.

"Morning, I missed you last night."

"I know. I was beat after work. I didn't want to snore in your ear."

"What?? You don't snore...every night."

You playfully hit his shoulder then hugged him again. He could be really cute when he wanted to. 

"So, what made the Prince of Lucis leave his super comfortable bed and call? You're not hurt are you? Is it another chocobo butt emergency??"

You examined his dark locks looking for anything like the last fiasco. He blushed a bit and shook his head.

"No! I just...a guy can't make breakfast for his Valentine?"

You made a face then looked into his eyes. He was serious about this! You smiled wide and pecked his cheek. How sweet of him! He pulled away and kissed your lips. With an awkward smile he led you to his table. The cutest breakfast was waiting for you.

"Aww! You're the sweetest prince I know! Thank you for this!"

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"Aww! You're the sweetest prince I know! Thank you for this!"

With a kiss to his lips you took a seat after placing your bag down. The pair of you ate the food Ignis prepared beforehand. The prince looked at your plate and went in to steal some of your food. You used your fork as moderately deadly weapon and stabbed your boyfriend's hand.

"Ow! What was that for??"

"I am shy and delicate. A sensitive flower. I used to bite other kids until I was twelve."

The prince quirked a brow then nodded. He finished his last serving and looked over to you.

"It all makes sense to me now. You're not gonna bite me again are you? I mean...it was kinda hot."

You rolled your eyes and grabbed your bag. You kissed his cheek and used his bathroom to get ready for work. You were grateful the small bag had all you needed. Once you emerged you found Noctis wrapped in a blanket on his couch. Yes, he is back to his natural habitat. You walked over and kissed what was exposed of his head. His eyes resembled slivers as he sluggishly pulled out one arm and pointed to the counter.

A Prince and a ValentineWhere stories live. Discover now