Ninth Entry- Human

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It's funny how I've easily began to blend with the rest in this shithole. It's a never-ending routine.




-leisure room





I feel like I'm starting to go crazy here. It can't be any worse than being caught in the cycle of him. I can feel his presence, I can feel his aura surrounding me. But he's not here. I can't shake the feeling. I'm convinced that something is wrong with these meds. 

"Room Check!" I heard a shout across my steel door. It then opens and I get up and stand by the doorway as if I'm a cadet in military school. They're not gonna find anything on me, I didn't come with anything. There was a lady in a nurse uniform that was completely black except for the red crosses and white stitching. It wasn't a uniform like scrubs but like the naughty nurse costumes you would see for Halloween. This must be a joke...

The guard next to her was going into rooms and checking everywhere. I couldn't make any specific distinctions until I saw what looked like a scar on the guard's hand. It looked awfully familiar. Like the one I gave Jeff. The guard holds up a box and hands it to the nurse.

"What do we have here?" she said then chuckled when she read the label "blades..."

She then grew angry and looked at the girl with Jet Black hair in a pixie cut.

"Do I look like a joke to you?" she asked her. She then waited for a response "DO I?" she yelled as she grabbed her by her shirt. The girl started to cry and the nurse grinned. "What am I gonna do with you?" she whispered

She then looks at the guard, whose face I can't even see but I focus on that scar...


I was starting to sulk at the fact that I would be alone, with Jeff, forever. Don't get me wrong, I  love him so much but I was starting to feel as if I was going crazy.

"(Y/N), come here." he said. This time Jeff was sober. Sometimes it was a pain in the ass for him but he tried to fight through it. I followed his voice to the room. Yes, that room.

"I can't go in here."

"No, no, just come in this time."

This was the first time I was ever in his room and I was accompanied by the scent of metal, blood. As I was walking in, Jeff has his arm out towards me waiting for me. His eyes wide open in excitement, with adrenaline. He hooked his arm around me and there was a person.

This person.. went through torture. I've heard the screams and yells before and even when they called out for their mom and begged to die. It was inhumane how Jeff played with them like they were a toy, how he held their life as if they were just a bug, a speck. Not human.

He laughs with insanity and comes toward me for a kiss by his bloodstained lips. He absorbed me and devoured me with his love that was starved. But the question is, was the love really existing anyway? Who knows

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