Chapter 3

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Most of the day moved relatively quickly. The worst part was lunch, but only because I didn't know many people. I couldn't find Gabriella, Hannah obviously wasn't a choice, and Reese wasn't really a friend. It didn't bother me as much as the stares everyone in the lunchroom was giving me. You would've thought they hadn't had a new kid in a decade. Long story short, instead of eating in the lunchroom like a normal person, I ended up finding an empty unlocked classroom where I could eat and go over the notes I had taken that day in peace.

Both my sixth and seventh periods took place in the library as they were set aside for my two online classes. I was taking Psychology and a college Chemistry class. Finding the library was easy, but I was in shock when I walked inside. It was two stories, so it took up space on both the second and third floors. The bottom part was most of the library, but the second floor was filled with computers and research books. It was amazing, especially compared to my old school. We had maybe ten computers (enough for one class to use at a time), no research section, and it was probably the size of one classroom at this school.

When I reached the second floor, I took a seat at a computer and logged in. My two classes technically didn't start for another week, so I figured I would use those two periods to study and do homework for the week. Before I had even typed anything in, someone sat next to me. I wouldn't think anything of it normally, expect this person was angled in my direction. I looked up and found Reese's face smiling at me.

"Uh, hey," I said, giving him a small, but warm smile, and continued to search for the poem I was told to look up in English earlier.

"Online classes, too? Are you ahead like I am, or you just couldn't pass the class?"

Having a conversation with Reese was calm and almost relaxing. I couldn't explain it. The feeling didn't distract me from the fact that I heard a hint of a British accent when he spoke, but I knew that the rest of his accent was American.

I looked over at him with a slight smile, leaning my elbow on the computer desk and then leaning my head on my hand. "Ahead. I guess we'll be hanging out a lot in here then."

He didn't seem upset, and for a second I thought that maybe he was actually happy about it. "What classes are you taking?" I tacked on at the end. I quickly exited out of the tab I was on and logged off the computer. I figured Reese would distract me, and if he didn't, I could do homework that doesn't require a computer.

"Online? Well, I'm taking Sociology and Calculus 2." He was obviously satisfied that I had redirected all of my attention to him. I guess I'll figure out soon if he's the bad boy that Hannah had described earlier.

I raised my eyebrows, impressed that he was taking Calculus 2. "Impressive. I guess you've out done me since I'm stuck in the first Calculus."

He let out a chuckle, one that would make any girl go crazy for him. It was obvious that he had the ability to get anyone he wanted. It was the question of whether or not he used it in a bad way. "Well, at least if you ever need any help, you know I'm here. What about you? What are you taking?"

"Psychology and a General Chemistry course from a college," I explained, giving a shrug. I had extra space for class, and at least I would be ahead when I went to college in a year.

"Very interesting, Carter." He used my last name, and I wasn't sure if I liked it.

"It's Avalon," I corrected him by habit. I wasn't even thinking when I said it.

His smile let me know that he wasn't too worried about it. "Well, Avalon, I'm happy to have a few classes with you." His smile changed into one I had never seen before. It sent chills through my body, and it made me want to want him. It was like a power he had over me, and from that moment, I was determined to figure out what the hell it was.

The last two hours went by in a blur. I studied, did homework, chit chatted with Reese, and before I knew it the bell was ringing. My dad still wasn't home by the time I got home, but that was normal. He probably wouldn't be home until around six or seven, depending on whether or not he had to work late. On days when I didn't have much homework to do, or anything to do really, I would try and make dinner for him. Home cooked meals aren't common, but when I would cook, I did, and since I had been able to finish my homework at school, I decided I would cook that night.

My dad ended up getting home at seven-thirty. He had called to tell me he would be late as I was deciding to make dinner, so I had tried to time dinner right. I had just finished making dinner and setting it on the table as he walked in. He smiled when he walked in, and I assumed it was because work had gone much better than it had the past few weeks. Dinner with him went as it always did. We discussed our day, ate, and then said our goodnights. I took the job of cleaning the dishes, and then tied the garbage to take out.

I walked outside, closing the door behind me. It was incredibly silent, which I guess was expected at eight-thirty at night. The wind was blowing lightly, causing a whistling sound. I shrugged and kept walking down my driveway. I lifted the cover of the garbage can, and just as I was about to drop the bag in, something hit me hard. The garbage dropped, thankfully into the bin, but I got slammed into the ground. It couldn't have been three seconds and I had been pulled behind my dad's car in our driveway.

"Carter, are you insane? What are you doing outside?" Reese breathed out heavily as I looked up at him. He was crouched and holding me up in his arms so that I wasn't lying on the hard cement. What the hell was he doing here? And why the fuck did he just tackle me in my own yard?

"What're you talking about? I'm taking my garbage out." I tried to stand up, but he held me down. He was unreasonably strong, and I was slightly freaking out about what was going on. Originally, I tried to fight him and get back inside my house, but then I heard something. It was a weird growl, but it wasn't just one. It sounded like a group. Suddenly I wasn't trying to fight Reese anymore. I was trying my hardest not to make sound, terrified of what would happen if I did. What was even going on? What was making the growling sound that I heard? I turned my head slowly, trying to stay quiet, but I also had the desire to look around to see what was going on.

I slowly turned to look up at Reese. I was terrified, petrified almost, and I wanted to be in my house, safe and sound. He was looking at me, his eyebrows furrowed, almost as if he was concerned or trying to figure something out. He put his index finger to his lips, signaling me to be quiet. When he put his finger down, he slowly stood up, helping me stand up as well. He leaned down to whisper in my ear, "Go inside, it's fine. I was just messing with you." He cracked a smile and gave me a slight push towards my front door.

I looked at him as if he was crazy. He seemed so serious just a few seconds. It was as if we were in danger, but now he's smiling and acting as if it was a joke. His calm facial expression quickly changed to another of concern before he gave me another slight push towards my door. "Avalon, go, please?" It was concern. He was concerned for me, but not himself. It was late and I didn't feel like arguing with him. Whatever I wanted to know, he wasn't going to tell me anyway. I did what he said and quickly walked inside my house, closing and locking the door.

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