Chapter 1 - Tragedy

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          It was a quiet day in Oakfield. A few friends decided to go on a little vacation. Their names were Hannah, Paris, Chloe, and Jax. They wanted to take a month-long vacation before starting college. Each of the girls had their own special personality that fit them very well. Chloe was very prissy, Paris was the intelligent one with the 4.0 GPA, Hannah was very athletic and has won every single trophy you could think of, and Jax was a major rebel. While they were driving, ahead of them was a sharp turn. Paris tried slowing down but the brakes wouldn't work. The car flew of the road and landed, hitting a big oak tree. All the girls got knocked out. Hannah woke up, she looked over to her left and saw Paris. Her whole head was through the window and blood was everywhere.

"PARIS, WAKE UP PARIS", Hanna was shaking her but she would not wake. Hanna checked for a pulse. She couldn't feel anything.

A family of 4 stopped on the side of the road and called an ambulance. Once the ambulance got there, the girls were put into the vehicles. As Jax was being rolled into the ambulance she looked over and saw that they put a white cover over Paris. She started to cry and scream because she knew that she was dead. That was the first time that the girls have seen Jax so emotional. An hour later while they were at the hospital Jax found out that she had shattered a couple of bones in her neck. The doctors took her into surgery immediately. Chloe was ok with barely any wounds but Hanna had glass stuck in her arm and thigh. Finally, Jax was taken out of surgery and had to stay the night at the hospital, so they could run more tests. Hanna decided to stay the night with Jax to keep her company but as Chloe was leaving the hospital, a police officer stopped her.

"Excuse me, are you Chloe Ramirez.", he asked her as he grabbed her arm.

"Yes sir", She said with a confused look.

"You are under arrest for the murder of Paris Carpenter", He turned her around and put handcuffs on her fragile wrists.

"I didn't do anything, it was a car accident", She screamed trying to resist and pull away.

The officer dragged her into the police cruiser and drove away to the station. The next morning, Rory was pulled into the interrogation room. They started to ask her many puzzling questions.

"We got an anonymous call that you murdered Paris so why did you do it? We've always known you've had something against her!".

"I DIDN'T KILL HER. I was just jealous because she has so many good grades and I'm just a dumb girl!," Chloe slammed her hand on the table with furious rage.

The officers then put Chloe back in her holding cell. She could hear them talking down the hallway. It sounded like they were going to let her go because they got a report that said the brakes were fine and there was no problem. Hanna woke up from her nap and saw that Chloe was not there. She was confused since Chloe told her that she would come back in the morning. She tried calling her but it just went to voicemail. The Doctor, Dr. Bookers, came in and told Hanna that Jax could go home that day.

Her face filled with Joy, "Thank you doctor, I'm so glad that she's ok".

"Just make sure she takes these pills every 10 hours for 2 weeks, to get rid of the pain and headaches", Dr. Bookers handed Hannah the pill bottle and walked down the long quiet hall.

Hannah called Jax's parents so that she could go home and rest. Once her parents got there they took Hanna home. As Hanna got home, she walked up the stairs into her room. Her mom was currently at work. She is a reporter for the local Oakfield News. Hanna's dad left them and moved to Chicago to live with his new family. She jumped right onto her bed without even changing. Hanna was just so exhausted from that night and she was so depressed and down because one of her best friends died. Her phone then buzzed.

"Hello?", Hanna answered.

"Hanna, I'm so sorry I missed your calls. I was down at the station.", Chloe explained as she started to tear up.

"Are you ok? What happened? Why were you at the station?", Hanna overwhelmed Chloe with so many questions.

​"The cops thought that I did something to the car to kill Paris. Hanna.... I think that someone is trying to frame me, but who?", Chloe said in a fearful tone.

​"I have an idea, but we have to find out quick before they do something worse than framing you."

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