chapter one

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Chapter One – Traumatic Aftermath

"Female victim, blonde, twenty-nine years old. She was found barely conscious at five this morning when the doormen of her building were switching shifts. She was almost hypothermic when the medics got there. We've got her body temperature almost back to normal, but it's clear when we did a full exam that she was raped a few hours before she was found. That's why we called you." Doctor Wilder explained as she lead detectives Amanda Rollins and Sonny Carisi through the halls.

Carisi stopped in front of the door, running his hand over his mouth. "Is she awake? Do we know anything about her?"

Doctor Wilder gave a weary look to the two detectives. "She's awake, but we haven't been able to get much more information out of her than that. We finished her rape kit about half an hour ago and she's taken medication to prevent pregnancy, she should be ready to talk soon."

"Thank you, Doctor Wilder." Carisi smiled and opened the door, stepping aside to let Amanda in the room first.

When the girl heard the door open, she didn't move at first. She was lying on her side, curled into a ball with her hands clutched close to her chest.

"Sweetie? I'm Detective Rollins and this is Detective Carisi, we're from SVU. We just need to ask you a few questions if you're up for talking." Amanda spoke softly as she moved forward.

The girl in the bed shifted, blue eyes bloodshot and filled with tears. "Amanda?" She sat up a little as she spoke.

"Maddie?" The detective immediately rushed to her side. "Who did this to you?" She asked, resting a gentle hand on Maddie's bruised cheek.

Maddie shook her head, squeezing her eyes shut as tears spilled down her cheeks. "I don't know... I couldn't see their face." She whimpered.

"Uhhh... Rollins?" Carisi cleared his throat. "You know her?"

Amanda turned to look at Carisi and nodded. "Yeah, this is Maddie... we've been dating for a few months now." She smiled, turning back to Maddie.

"Should I call Lieu and Barba?" He asked, and Amanda nodded.

"I doubt Liv is gonna let me anywhere near this case as a detective." She sighed, taking a seat on the edge of Maddie's bed.

Carisi nodded, walking towards the end of the bed. "Alright, Maddie... what were you doing right before you were attacked?" He asked.

"My brother was throwing a party. One of those parties that you really only throw because you have money y'know? I was so miserable and bored, so when I got a text from my friends asking if I wanted to grab a late dinner at Via Della in the East Village I was so happy to get out of there." Maddie explained, looking up at Carisi.

The detective nodded. "Do you have your phone on you?" He asked.

Maddie shook her head. "I think the doctors took it when they brought me in. It was in the pocket of my jacket."

Carisi nodded and sat down in the chair next to the bed. "So, what happened next, Maddie?" He asked.

"They told me that they were going to pick me up, so I changed and went outside to meet them. I was waiting in the courtyard for them to tell me they were there when I was hit on the head from behind. I hit the ground on my hands, but I couldn't see straight. I remember being dragged out of view of the street because it got really dark... and that was when he started to take off my pants. He had a hand around my throat, so I couldn't scream or breathe really... and then I could feel him inside me, it hurt... I tried to push him off, but I couldn't breathe. He kept hitting me, every time I tried to push him away. I blacked out after that..." She paused, wiping at her eyes. "The next thing I remember was waking up in the ambulance."

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