IV: A Dark Ghost's Mockery

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  • Dedicated to All my readers and the people who showered me with love, constructive criticism,

IV: A Dark Ghost’s Mockery

 Shilverase’s blood roared in her ears as she twirled around, her sword flashing brilliantly. With each move her hand made, another dying screech pierced the air.

 It was bedlam.

 Beads of sweat trickled down her forehead and her muscles screamed. She ignored the complaints of her body and leapt forward, throwing herself to the side to avoid a sharp hunk of wood that an undead corpse chucked at her.

 Why are there so many of them? All the auras match too…

 She bit her bottom lip, impaling another enemy in its neck, and threw her sword upwards, splitting the head in half.

 Whoever is controlling them is exceedingly powerful. Definitely a Necromancer, there is no way a Death Knight could sustain this many bodies.

 Shilverase sidestepped a charging corpse, spinning around and severing its head. She stabbed it as it sailed through the air.

 What rank would the Necromancer be? Most Death Knights are Delta rank, so it would be safe to assume he or she would be at least Zeta rank, but if they’re any higher than Theta- there’s going to be a problem.

 She continued down the hall, destroying any enemy unfortunate enough to get in her way.

 I hope Nimue didn’t run into them. I know she’s intelligent enough to run the opposite direction, but they’ll more than likely have a spell or two charged and ready for instant casting.

 She lunged, skewering a corpse that was attempting to lift a heavy gilded statue, and smashed its skull with the pommel of her sword.

 Good, they’re all dead- well dead again.

 She briefly scanned the area and relaxed, sheathing her sword.

 A burst of pain exploded in her skull. Stars flashed in her vision as she was sent flying into the ground. Her sword flew out of her hand. Disoriented, she struggled to lift her head. The tinkling of shattered porcelain rang out, pure and clear.

 Her jaw dropped.

 A corpse was looming over her, a sharp pickaxe raised in the air, prepared to kill her, but it wasn’t that which stunned Shilverase.

 It was the fact she recognized that body.

 It was the charcoal-haired man that was the leader of the excavation team, the one that told the girls that the group was ready to head inside.

 Dammit! So the team already bit the dust? Then- what about Nimue?

 Panic seized her, choking her lungs.  

 After all that I’ve been through... to think that I’m going to die because we didn’t torch the bodies ahead of time. I really didn’t feel like dying today, either.

 The corpse slammed the pickaxe downwards. Shilverase rolled to the side, avoiding the fatal blow. A hiss of frustration and it swung its weapon again. She barely managed to avoid it. Move! she screamed at herself, willing herself up. She staggered drunkenly before collapsing to the floor in a crumbled heap, the world swirling around her.

 This is a stupid way to die… brought low by some common corpse.

 She braced herself for the killing blow.

 A savage growl, a wicked hiss. The corpse teetered over, a quivering arrow embedded in its skull.

 A flash of midnight illuminated the room in a ghostly light as an agonized scream nearly shattered her eardrums.

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