It's you, Park, I've noticed. (slight make-out near the end)

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            Jimin was distant,from everyone,even himself. About a couple of months ago, he and his partner had split. The split had been a mutual event, neither one feeling the other was the right one. Yoongi had started to notice the way Jimin had been acting lately, and he didn't like it. It made his skin crawl out of place, his hair stand on edge. He was in love with Jimin. However nobody but himself knew this, especially not Jimin. He loved everything about him, the way beads of sweat would roll down his body after dance practices, and the way his mouth was slightly ajar as he was sleeping. He noticed every single little detail about Jimin, but didn't say a word. That is until one fateful day.

    "Hyung?", Yoongi asked Jin, who was standing at the stove making breakfast. "Hm?", Jin hummed in response, half listening to Yoongi, half making sure he didn't burn everyone's bacon. "How do you tell someone you're in love with them?". Jin choked on his own breath, surprised at Yoongi's words. Yoongi wasn't one to express his feelings, much less something like this. Yoongi wasn't heartless or insensitive, just not one to let people in on his thoughts. Jin finished up his cooking and motioned the slightly younger male to the table to sit with him. "Well, first, you have to get them alone, and remain CALM. Another thing; don't be scared, it adds unwanted nervousness.Just tell the person how you feel, keep it simple". 

   "Thanks, Hyung.. A lot. I'm gonna go tell that person how I really feel. Hopefully I don't screw up too bad ha", Yoongi laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. He thanks Jin again before getting up from the table, making his way to Jimin's room. He knocked on the door lightly, getting the Busan boy's attention easily. "Knock knock, could I come in?", He asked softly, and Jimin nodded in response, "Of course hyung, come in". After they were both situated on the bed, facing each other, Jimin spoke up first. "So, Hyung, what was it you needed?". Yoongi noticed he was rubbing his hand with the pad of his thumb nervously. He also, every so often, would fiddle with his earring, then brush a lock of hair behind his ear. Yoongi noticed all of this, still not mouthing a word, not even to himself.

      "Jimin, have you noticed that you play around with your earrings when you're nervous? Or that when you fall asleep when we all have movie night, you cross your feet over each other, and sit in the same spot on the couch? Or that your mouth is slightly open when you sleep?". Jimin looked at him, eyebrow cocked up. He was confused. Yoongi could tell, so he kept talking. "Or that when you eat, you put your chopsticks down on the right side of your food, and if you accidentally put them on the wrong side, you pick them up and fix it. Or when you're happy your face squinches up, and your cheeks get red. Because I have. I notice everything about you, I just don't say anything. I just, well, I couldn't take holding all of this in any longer, so I just wanted to come right out and say it. It's you, Park. It's always been you, since the debut. I really love you, alot. In the beginning it was like teenage love, then the more time that went on, so did my feelings. I love you, ok? That's what I'm trying to say, Jimin, I love you. ".

       The room was silent for a few moments, even though to Yoongi, it felt like hours. He was beginning to fear that he had messed up. Jimin had a look on his face as though the older had ran over his dog. Yoongi began to feel beads of sweat form on his forehead, and his hands began to shake. "Ji-jimin? Say something, please. Anything?" Yoongi gulped audibly, getting more and more nervous. Had he messed up? Had he ruined what relationship him and Jimin DID have? Was their friendship over? All of his fears were soon shut out, because now, a pair of soft, sweet lips were on his, catching him off guard, in the best way possible. 

       Yoongi placed his hand on the back of Jimin's neck, pulling him closer, deepening the kiss and closing his eyes. Their lips moulded together perfectly, moving in a distinct rhythm, a melody made just for them. The Busan boy's tongue teased lightly at Yoongi's bottom lip, and he gladly granted him access, opening his mouth wider. Their tongues seemed to dance almost, as if they had done this a hundred times before. Yoongi took control, gently pushing Jimin down on the bed, slotting their fingers together. "God, you're beautiful. You are. An actual angel, Jagi". Yoongi moved to his neck, leaving soft, sweet kisses down his neck, and collarbone. "H-hyung?", and yoongi looked up, eyes filled with admiration. It was the first time he had spoken up since Yoongi confessed. "Hmm?"

      "I love you too. I always have. That's why being with him didn't feel right. You were it, and I was too blind to see it. Now, kiss me again". And with that, the older captured Jimin's mouth on his again,rubbing circles on his sides. Finally, FINALLY, Jimin had his missing piece, Yoongi.

Author's note: Thanks for reading guys! Sorry for not updating very often.. I promise to update more hehe... You guys are awesome ! <3 



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