He sees a garden, I see the Amazon

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      Recently, Jimin and Yoongi had moved into a new apartment. This one, however, was on the ground floor, meaning they had a back patio and small yard. "Babe, why are you so excited? There isn't enough room to do anything back here", Yoongi groaned at his husband, who was feeling the opposite. In his head, he was already plotting which flowers and plants could go where. He didn't even realise he was spacing out until the older kissed his cheek, sending the blood flowing directly to his cheeks, and Jimin hid his face in Yoongi's shoulder. "By the way, I think the Sun Impatients would look just perfect in pots right off of the Walk", The Daegu producer whispers in The latter's each then pecking his forehead before smiling a small smile. Jimin giggled, sending the blush to His husband's face this time instead of his own. "You're right".

    Yoongi is in a deep sleep sprawled out on the sofa when he hears the faint opening and closing of the back door, and scuffling feet into the kitchen. He rubs his eyes full of sleep still, sitting up and looking around, eventually finding the source of the ending of his nap; Jimin. "Babe, have you been out there since I fell asleep?", The older questions, voice laced with exhaustion due to a long previous day at work and his and husband's busy night last night. "Mhm, I sure have", The busan man answers, wiping the sweat off of his brow. Yoongi walks up to his tired lover, who at this point was covered up the arm with potting soil, his hair damp with sweat, as well as his shirt. He didn't stir or bother to make any noise as he watched from behind. He watched as he ran his just as wet hands through his sweaty hair, making yoongi groan internally. What other people would see as just a small back garden, Jimin saw his own Little Amazon. Yoongi that it was also the case for Jimin. 

        Not being able to resist any longer, the Older came up to his love from behind, wrapping his long arms around his waist, pressing sweet and loving kisses to the dancer's back, who after a few moments sighed a relieved sigh and leaned his head back, landing on the rapper's shoulder. "You're so beautiful, if you didn't already know", The other gently whispered to the smaller as he continued the kisses". The other didn't respond , just plain and simply turned around to face Yoongi,caressing his cheeks with the pads of his thumbs before standing up higher to press his mouth to the older's. Yoongi immediately  kissed back, placing his hand on Jimin's neck, pulling him even closer, sliding his tongue over his teeth, sending the blonde into a fit of shivers. This was home, and home is where the garden is.


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