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A man and a woman stood silently, hands trembling as they held a folded piece of paper that they got from the hospital laboratory. They stood side by side hoping that the results won't be as bad as they’re thinking.

"Aina, there's nothing to be worried about, right?" The man beside the woman, asked.  

"Why would there be? It's just something we wanted to try." Aina, the woman, looked at the man beside her. "Right, Rich? Babe?" She was looking for reassurance, like he was earlier.  

"No. Nothing." Rich forced a smile. He didn't know why he was so nervous in the first place.  

"Okay." Aina replied. "We open this on three."  

They both took a deep breath before unfolding the piece of paper they held on to. Their eyes slowly moved as it read through the paper. When they reached the bottom, their eyes both widened in shock.

1    The Invitation

Aina Montgomery never thought she'd ever have a boyfriend. She always thought that her physical appearance and overall personality was unattractive to the opposite sex. She had such low self esteem that it drove away even the guys that her friends set up for her.

She still couldn't believe that a handsome guy like Rich Falkner, her just-became-boyfriend, took notice of her a few months back.  

"So how'd it go?" Aina's friend, Katerina, asked as they sat in their favorite area of the bar, sipping margaritas.  

"He asked me to be his girlfriend. Could you believe it? He asked me." Aina replied as she picked a few pieces of fries from the platter.  
"You know it's not a surprise he'd want you. You're hot." Her other friend, Chang, said. "If I was straight, I'd totally bone you."  

"Bitch, please. If you were straight, you'd bone Katerina over here. She's way hotter than me."  

"Nah. Katerina's just pretty. You're hot." Chang replied.  

"Asshole." Annoyed, Katerina threw a handful of fries at Chang’s face which sent the whole table laughing.

"So, when are we gonna meet this Rich Falkner person?" Chang asked. "You've been dating him for six months. You've put on a label and you told us he has a big dick and you can't get enough of it. When are you planning to introduce us to this guy?"  

"I never told you he's got a big dick!" Aina said, defensively. "But yeah, he does." Aina blushed so hard, her redness can be seen inside the dimly lit bar.

They all laughed but as their laughter died down, Katerina and Chang returned to their serious faces and asked the question again. "Chang's right, you know. We want to meet this guy. All we see are pictures of you together on dates. It's time you introduced us." Katerina said.

"We're both busy, okay? But, fine. I'll ask him if he can have dinner with us this Friday."

2    The Failed Date

Rich Falkner had everything going for him. He's got the looks, the job, the money but he hasn't had luck with the love aspect of his life. He had difficulty dating women. He never connected with any of his dates. He even thought he was gay and tried dating a man but that didn't work out from the moment their date started.  

"You're straight and this date, whatever this is, is not gonna work out." The guy said before storming out of the restaurant. He just laughed at himself for even trying.  

Then something just clicked when he saw a girl, sitting at the bar area by herself, who seemed to have been ditched by her date, too.

Rich decided at that moment that he's going to get that girl no matter what happens. The connection he felt was far too strong to ignore. He has never felt like that with anyone in his entire existence and he knew that it wasn't going to happen again in the near future if he passes this one up.  
So, he left his table, sat beside her, and waited for the right moment to say hello.  

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