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Jason's POV:

I walk back into the room with my phone turned off, so that there will be no interruptions tonight.

"My mom said that I could stay the night"

"That's great" she says with a smile

I peck her on the lips, picking up where we left off. In a matter of seconds the soft sweet kisses we were exchanging change into deep heated kisses filled with passion. I detach my lips from hers and plant a few kisses on her neck, until I find her sweet spot, I suck on her neck causing her to moan into my chest. After leaving a love bite I return to her lips and in one swift movement pick her up, and as her legs wrap around my hips we head upstairs.


Anna's POV:

He closes the door, and has me pressed up against it, in no time. His lips on mine, my legs around his hips, and his hands find their way under my shirt in the darkness of the room. We stumble through the darkness to my bed and fall back onto it.

I have never understood how guys could remove their shirts in one smooth and effortless movement, but in the dark I push the thought away as Jason removes his shirt. My hands meet his chest and trace the fine lines. Tonight is the last time, these will be my last memories, our last moments, and I can't think of any better way to spend them.


Jason's POV:

When her eyes finally meet mine they hold a strange glow.

"Are you sure?" I don't want her doing anything she isn't comfortable with.

"Yes." her voice is confident and doesn't waver . "I love you." "I love you more"

And those are the last words we exchanged in the dark. We no longer need words, just our hands and mouths. I savor every moment of this night, her skin on mine, my mouth on hers and no space between us. I couldn't imagine a better way to spend our last moments.

When I wake up the sun is just rising, and i can see light through the curtains. Sophia's hair is in my face and I catch my favorite scent, her. I don't want to move because I am afraid of waking her. Contrary to what she believes Sophia looks beautiful when she is asleep; a bit of her hair in her face, her eyes fluttering every now and then, and though her make up from last night may be smudged i simply love how serene and beautiful she looks. Just as my arm that is under her head begins to fall asleep, she starts to stir. I can feel her feet running along my legs under her white comforter, and when she stretches her right arm, her fist collides with my nose.

"Ow..." I mutter about ten seconds later.

"Well that was a delayed response." Sopia comments in her groggy morning voice

I plant a soft kiss on her lips "Morning beautiful" and as im about to pull away I can feel her smile into the kiss and deepen it.

"I wouldn't mind waking up like this every day"

"Neither would I." she agrees simply

"Are you ready for today?" I ask, there really is no way to avoidthe subject.

"Mmmmmmm... no I think I'm just gonna curl up next to you for the rest of eternity..."

" I would love that."

"I mean it's not like I absolutely have to go..."


So for the next hour or so we lay in the bed cuddling, nestled under the comforter enjoying eachothers company, no words, no naughty, just kisses and cuddles. We didn't need words so we just fell into a comfortable silence, nothing akward, it was never akward with us, and I loved that.


Anna's POV.

Waking up with Jason by my side was the best feeling ever, and laying there cuddling was even better. But I knew this couldn't last as long as I wanted it to, because if I had it my way It would be like this forever. But life has a way of giving me a rude wake-up call, because I am reminded once again that these are my last moments in this perfect point in life, when I get text messages and mentions saying "Good-Bye" or "I'll miss you." I hate change. I hate change. I absolutely hate change.

"What are you thinking?" Jason asks.

"Why?" I question.

"Cause your eye brows were furrowed and you don't look as happy as before." he states.

"Nothing, I just hate change."

"No, you hate not knowing how things end, or how they play out." Jason's statement was true, I rarely ever watched a movie that I didn't know the ending to, and always got agrivated when there was a plot twist in books, or something didn't go according to my plans. It's just me.

I decide to stop avoiding the inevitable and get ready for the day. I give Jason a peck before climbing over him and making my way to the closet. It is then that I realize I didn't even bother wrapping myself in sheets before I got out of bed, but oh well, no shame. It's not like he hasn't seen me like this before.

I had left one pair of shorts and a tank-top hanging up, I grab those and stroll over to my window seat where i had laid out some underwear, of Jason's choice, for today. The only things left in my room were my bed and the clothing that lay at the end of it. As I am shimmying on my clothing I catch Jason staring.

"Didn't get enoughlast night?" I catch him off guard and his face is drained of color. I laugh and walk over to give him a kiss.

"You're a dork, Lemme go get you some clothes for today." And with that I walk out of the room and down the hall, to go raid the remainder of my college bound brother's stash of clothes.

Nicholas has not been home for two weeks, he's been in New York, at the NYU campus, setting up his dorm. There is practically no sign of him here and that tugs at my heart a bit. What would I do without him? I am so doomed for the next two and a half years. I look through his dresser attempting to find anything that would appeal to Jason. After discovering a V-neck and shorts I leave the room, with one last glance before I shut the door and never see it again.

I knock five times, and when he doesn't answer I begin to sing "Do you want to build a snowman"

"It doesn't have to be a snowman..."

"I love you Anna," He laughs "Come in princess."


Jason's POV:

After I'm all dressed, we head down for breakfast hand in hand, And as we near the kitchen, the sweet aroma of waffles fills the air.

"Well, Good morning to the two of you, what took you so long?" Sophia's father greets us.

I glance at Sophia, eyes wide. and her expression mirrors mine.

(A/N) uh oh!!!!!! What are Jason and Sophia gonna tell her dad?! I hope you guys like this chapter, I do have more time on my hands now that it is summer, and i will try to update more frequently with longer chappies... so I hope everyone is enjoying the story and their summer:)

until the next chapter,XOXO

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