Chapter 29

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I sat at couch in living room, glaring at TV restlessly. It was abnormally early,  few minutes passed from noon and I was being lazy bag in living room. John was out of ranch with Mary and I was annoyed. Two days passed and I didn't visit stables.

Riley visited house few times, she was worried for me and Hurricane. I refused to leave house and stayed inside all along. Mary and John said completely nothing. So here I was, staring at screen that played National Geographic.

Helicopter was flying above Black Hills, were mustangs roamed free without being disturbed. I would give anything to fully protect them from BML...

There were many black mustangs that reminded me on Hurricane, I missed being in saddle while life was lushing everywhere. My head was completely healed which meant it stopped throbbing but I couldn't move my hand properly still.

Knock on doors brought my look away from screen and I grabbed remote, turning it off.

''Come in!'' I shouted loud enough so whoever was knocking could hear. Gwen slowly stepped inside, I was surprised to see her expression worried and unsettled.

''Oh, hi Layla...'' She trailed off nervously.

''Hi, something wrong?'' I gave her questioning glance.

''Yeah, actually,'' She fidgeted her fingers.

''What?'' I asked, expecting something from Darsons.

''Hurricane gone mad,''Gwen announced, shocking me. I didn't know why it was a shock.''He won't let anyone come close and doesn't calm down anymore.'' Gwen continued.

 I strayed my look aside. ''Why are you telling me that?'' I asked.

''You might be able to calm him down.'' Gwen replied.

''Oh, sure I would.'' I rolled my eyes with huff. ''Let him calm down.'' I added as final and stomped in my room. I heard Gwen leave and shut the doors of my room. I approached window and opened it, inhaling the fresh air.

It was very sunny but not hot. It badly called me outside. I saw Gwen walking to Tara, she must've rode to here. Accept training horses, Gwen and others are acting like real cowgirls. I leaned my forearms on sill and placed my chin on it also, feeling the soft summer breeze at my hair and face.

My peace was broken by Mary's voice from down-stairs, followed by racket and banging. I slowly left my room and found Mary, she returned from grocery shopping and other stuff they had to finish.

She was slightly unsettled but directed smile towards me once she saw me. After I helped her get groceries, she asked something I didn't want to hear nor answer.

''How's a Hurricane?'' She asked while washing her hands in sink. She jammed faucet and wiped her hands on napkin.

''Oh...'' I dropped my look, I didn't want my bad mood to pass onto her. I wished I could answer that hurricane is moving from south to east  Atlanta but I couldn't.

''Layla, you should try,'' She said and warped her hands around my shoulders.

''I don't know if I can,'' I said and snuggled closer to her.

''Try, race is sooner and sooner every day,'' She stated out and walked to kitchen.

I remained on same spot for few minutes, settling my nerves before I slowly walked out of house. I paced to stables that buzzed with life and joy. I sliced Kelly with glare, she said nothing and brought her look back at Chance.

Mare healed during the time and now she had her own stall and owner. Unfortunately it was Kelly - Darsons are hell for horses and I heard all of their horses are mustangs. Mr. Darson had team that caught them for him, he had special license and blah blah blah...

I slowly strolled through stables, eying everyone and everything there. Hurricane was still at large paddocks which meant I had to go all the way to there. I rolled my eyes and picked up my pace, turning it into job.

Neckline of my dark yellow t - shirt was drenched with sweat once I arrived at cluster of paddocks. It felt good to be moving again. I placed my hands in pockets of my flared jeans and slowly walked towards paddock where Hurricane was, now loud noise was coming from there.

I stopped on my tracks and distinguished human shouts and horse neighs. Three cowboys or whatever they were were trying to catch Hurricane, they had ropes around his neck but he kept pulling it out of their hands and lurching away.

I sickened. Those were Phil's people. I hurried towards paddock and stared with wide open eyes. Hurricane's coat gleamed on sunlight strongly as he galloped. He went furtherest from them and they ran towards him. He'll be cornered soon.

Cowboys got hold of ropes again and quickly tied two on paddock fence while they held last one. Hurricane got more wild as they approached him, one landed whip on his back and he reared in anger, bringing his hoof in cowboys's stomach.

He fell down but rose soon.

''You'll pay for that, mule!'' He yelled and grabbed solid branch. Just as he approached Hurricane, I screamed on top of my lungs.

''Stop!'' I yelled loudly so glade echoed with my voice.

They stopped and Hurricane bit off ropes, galloping on other side of paddock again.

''What's the matter with you?!'' I yelled at them and hopped over paddock. ''Get lost!'' I waved them off, they shared looks and scurried away from paddock.

Hurricane dug ground with his front leg, arching his neck while snorting with displease.

''Easy, I won't hurt you...'' I cooed while slowly approaching him. He shoot his head up and half reared, prancing his head gracefully but angrily as well.

I stopped and watched him. His nervously pranced left and right. He lurched into gallop, causing me to flinch. I groaned out - loudly. Those three were probably trying to get him back in stables. I hopped over fence and opened gate.

Hurricane stopped and eyed me for some time.

''There, you're free.'' I said and moved towards pacific willow bush. He made few cautious steps towards open gate then galloped out of paddock. He reared on road for minute or so. I watched him  gallop opposite way from hill.

He disappeared in glades soon and I ran after him. Stopping on top of plain, I watched in distance from paddocks and disappeared in nearest forest.

This is going to take more then I thought.

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