Battle Zone

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Chapter 1

"Are you ready ladies and gentlemen?" A man's voice shouted out to the excited crowd. They cheered and screamed for the game to begin, waving bottles of beer and money in the air. "Here we go!" The man yelled over the roar of the crowd that was moving around the steel cage in the middle of the dark room. A bright light lit up the cage overhead revealing two girls. They had frightened looks on their faces, both holding some sort of weapon. The man with the microphone smirked at their fear.

"Let the game begin!"


"Faye! Come look at this, quick!" The girl's younger brother shouted from downstairs.

"Coming!" Faye yelled back as she slipped on her school blazer. She grabbed her heavy bag filled with thick and heavy books before sprinting down the stairs, nearly tripping over the dogs chew toy. "What is it?" She panted.

"Look at the news!" Her brother, Evan, said.

Faye sat on the edge of the sofa arm, dropping her bag with a loud thunk, before turning her attention to their small box set of a Tv. There was a man who looked about mid-thirties wearing a tight suit; talking into a special sort of microphone. Faye zoned in on his words as he began a new sentance.

"It's shocking to find another victem of the Missing Teenagers Case. Annabelle Silver has been missing since yesterday morning and we believe that she has been kidnapped by the same person who has also kidnapped the previous female students from Folkstone Highschool. The number of missing female teenagers has increased. It seems that the kidnapper has targeted female students from highschools all around our quiet Greyton town. The police are already out searching for any clues on these missing girls, so if you know anything about this then please contact our news line. Please be careful and do not go out alone! Reporting back to the studio."

Faye turned off the Tv set before looking back at her brother with wide eyes. "Annabelle Silver is in my highschool. I know her Evan! This is terrible! Teenage girls from Folkstone and now my highschool; WolfSpirit, have been kidnapped!"

"Calm down! I'm sure she'll be fine." Evan tried to calm down his patronized sister. "Don't worry 'sis, I'm sure she'll be back safe and sound in no time."

Faye sighed before replying to her 12 year old brother, "I guess your right. Thanks 'Ev."

"Your sixteen years old, Faye. Since Annabelle was the first girl to get kidnapped from your school, there might be one more kidnapping since two girls from Folkstone were taken. So be careful, 'kay?" Evan patted her head as if he were the older sibling.

"I'll be fine Evan. I won't be taken down so easily! I have twelve years training in Karate where I am one belt away from reaching the Black belt." She performed a quick high kick before getting into a fighting stance.

"Come on, we'll be late for school." Evan tied his shoe laces before running out the front door.

"Hey! Wait for me!" Faye yelled, grabbing her bag and school shoes. She locked the door behind her before getting into her mum's small blue car.

"Buckle up kids, I'm gonna have to break the speed limit to get you both to school on time." Their mother revved the engine. "Hold on!"

They sped through Raven Way before turning right onto the motor-way leading to town. After five minutes of speeding down the highway, breaking a total of four speed limits; they soon arrived at Fayes highschool.

"See you later chiki," her mother gave her a peck before waving her off; pulling out of the current parking  space. Her mother drove off down the road heading towards Evan's school. Faye pulled her bag up higher since the weight of all her books was making her back arch. She hopped up the front steps and sprinted down the corridor to her form room. She barged through the door and took her seat at the back of the class just as the bell rang, telling everyone that school had begun.


A/N: Hope you liked the first chapter! This is my VERY first story so I hope you'll like it. Please comment and vote if possible? Thanks for reading, the second chapter will be up soon! XX

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