School Time

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Chapter 2: School Time

"You see class, in the late 1920's a man called Freid Peckleton did experiments on children around your age. One of his cases consisted of a little boy named Albert. Freid was working on 'Why people have Phobias' so made this poor little boy afraid of everything fluffy. Everytime a cute cuddly toy was placed in the room with the boy, he would scream and run away. Freid was happy about the results he got and even got the boy afraid of Father Christmas..." The teacher babbled on to her class.

Faye, who was sat near the back of the classroom gazed out the window; blanking out of the lesson. I wonder where Annabelle is right now, she thought. Since Faye had entered school this morning, her classmates have been talking non-stop about Annabelle. "I bet she ran off with a stranger to show off about not getting her car for her birthday!" One of the rich snobby girls had said, twirling a bit of her bleached blonde hair around her fingers. "No way! She's probably just trying to get peoples attention!" An exact replica of the first girl had cried.

"Stupid blonde bimbo's, thinking they know everything." Faye muttered under her breath after remembering their conversation.

"...Isn't that right, Faye?" She snapped back to reality to find the teacher giving her a hard on stare while the whole class stared at her blankly. "C-Can you repeat that please, miss?" Faye asked the teacher nervously. "You should have been listening Faye. I picked on you because you obviously found something more interesting outside than this psychology lesson your currently in." The teacher told her sternly. "Sorry miss-"

"Detention after school," the psychology teacher interrupted her, handing her a detention slip. "Sorry miss." Faye apologized, accepting the slip of paper that would hold her back after school.

"Going back to the subject-" The school bell rang, cutting off the teacher. "We will continue this next lesson. Pack up class and don't forget your pass papers!" The class packed away their books and stationary before hurrying on to their next lesson. "Faye," the teacher stopped her. "Yes miss?" Faye asked the women, eyeing her long skirt that trailed below her ankles. "Don't be late."

"Yes Miss Catry." Faye grumbled before walking out the classroom. Why did she have to get a detention first thing on a Monday? Faye muttered to herself all the way to fourth lesson.


"I can't believe you got a detention Faye!" Jackie, Faye's bestfriend laughed before taking a sip of her Fanta. "It's not fair! I only blanked out for a bit." Faye growled, stabbing her fork into her pasta.

"It's quite surprising though since your usually a goodie-two-shoes most of the time." Liz, another one of Faye's friends said. Since Faye is in a differant class to these two, she doesn't socialise with anyone else. They all think she's a bit of a freak since she talks to herself sometimes. Plus it doesn't help that she has long raven black hair and bright blue eyes.

"Hey, you heard about Annabelle Silver right?" Jackie said with a serious expression on her face. "Of course we have, it was on the news this morning right Faye?" Liz prodded her shoulder continuously until she answered. "Yes," Faye replied sharply. "Now will you please stop prodding me?"

"Sorry," Liz gave her a smile. Jackie made a quick glance around the dinner hall before saying to the two girls in a hush voice, "people have been saying that since two girls from Folkstone were kidnapped; another one will be kidnapped from our school. Isn't that scary?"

"Thats the exact same thing Evan told me." Faye said shocked. "That's such a coincidence!" Liz whispered loudly, flailing her arms around in the air. "Really Liz, don't do stuff like that in public!" Jackie got embarrassed. She pulled Liz's arms back down onto the table before checking around to see if anyone was looking; letting out a sigh of relief.

"Don't be so panicky Jackie, you know how Liz is!" Faye let out a giggle as Liz smacked her lightly on the back causing her to choke on her drink. "Meanie!"

"Anyway, I was going to ask if we could all walk home together after school. But since Faye the Failor has a detention, we'll have to wait for her." Jackie shot a glare at the now depressed Faye. "Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. My mums picking me up after school so I'll be safe and sound in my car." She gave them a reassuring smile.

"Ok." Jackie and Liz said in sync just as the school bell rang. "Time for fifth period girlies." Jackie said, standing up from the table with Liz and Faye trailing behind. "What have you got Faye?"

"I've got a double period of maths before my detention with Miss Catry." Faye grimaced. "Unlucky! Liz and I have art then music-"

"I LOVE ART! THERE ARE SO MANY COLOURS TO CHOOSE FROM!" Liz's eyes sparkled with delight as she was engulfed into her dream world. "She's gone off again." Jackie moaned, face palming herself. "Good luck with Liz, it took me two hours last time to get her back to reality." Faye smirked. "See you tomorrow guys!" She waved off her friends before wandering to her double lesson of maths.


A/N: Thanks for the comments on the first chapter everyone! I hope to get more readers and votes! The next chapter will be uploaded tomorrow. Also, just to say; I have an accoutn on if any of you have heard of it? My name is SymmetricalGirl8DeathTheKid!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2012 ⏰

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