Part 1

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It slithered deeper into the hole in the earth,right down to the very core of the mountain.
It's scales torn off in different places by the jagged edges of stones and hot rocks that were embedded along the crevices of this unearthly dark abyss . The snake had never travelled this far down before.

Something was summoning It,...pulling the worn out snake even deeper.
It couldn't resist the power of it's caller, ..not able to break it's hold.

And deeper it went , before falling into a deep cave.

Though tired, the snake righted itself back on it's belly and as if knowingly, followed a small rugged part which seemed to expand into a bigger cavern.

Even this creature could feel the presence of evil around it. The serpent stopped , and at the command of it's caller,it vomited the small farm pig it had strangled and swallowed for breakfast.

Then it rested, exhausted from it's journey down into the hell hole it had been summoned into.

For hours the python slept, ..greatly under the influence of it's caller.

The demon observed the creature.

GOD's creations were truly beautiful to behold.Even this creature, whose kind had been cursed from the fall of man,was skillfully patterned in lovely hues of deep browns and blacks by it's creator.

How he loathed the creature for its beauty.

Once beautiful himself,..but now turned into a hideous being, along with the rest of his kind who had revolted and disobeyed their Maker.

But now, it was time!

Suddenly the snake felt a deep pain , as if it's very skin was being peeled off it's body, as a powerful force pushed itself painfully, into it's being. The python writhed for some minutes before it suddenly went still.

Finally, Ethjab had found a means of transporting himself from his former prison to the surface .
It had only taken the blood of a young lad who believed in the old gods and had willingly shed his own blood, he had cut his wrist and pouring his own blood on a python, caught in a trap , after it had swallowed one of his pigs.

The lad had played around with the incantations written on the old antelop skin, but all it had taken were just three words... firis una Ethjab,...rise up Ethjab.

And with the sacrifice of blood,it was complete. The boy seeing nothing out of the ordinary, had released the snake in annoyance and stomped off to find the old man who sold the antelope skin with its secrets to him .

Ethjab would have preferred a real human sacrifice ,with blood spilling out from the jugular vein of the victim unto a more worthy animal,..but the snake the lad used would have to do, that is, ..until he regained his powers.

But he needed a body fast. The snake was already worn out and torn up .

He saw perfectly through the eyes of the serpent. He had been bound in chains for almost two centuries, in the core of this mountain , with civilization growing and going about it's business.
In seconds, he was able to control and bend the snake's muscular body to move up and retreat back through the same hole it came in through.

The journey up would take the better part of a whole day, but ethjab didn't care how it would affect the creature he possessed, he was too excited to be finally free and ascending.     

He would once again behold the skies ,the soft earth,..people, ..a new generation to twist and turn,even if it was through the eyes of this unworthy creature.

He would make the people around the mountains know him once again.

Their ancestors worshipped him and his brothers without question,..always ready to obey, sacrifice.

Even their newborns were killed to honor them.

But that wretched woman had come to his dominion,..preaching about the Nazarene,the Son of his GOD, who had come to save the World .
And within months , heaven was let loose.

He and his brothers had fought bravely but who could have stood against the Powerful ones the FATHER had sent,

The holy angels were but four, but the damage they did to him and his brothers that day had been devastating.
In the end, he had been seized and at the powerful declaration of  prayers by the woman and her prayer warriors, Mountain Magu had split into two in the spiritual realm .

Jerub, one of the sons of GOD , had cast him down, chaining him to two stone boulders that came out from the base of the mountain itself. The chains had held him face down on his belly.
He screamed against GOD as the mountain had closed up on him, encasing him in total darkness, ..until now.

The wretched woman was long dead , but her lineage, if any existed , would surely pay.

He would make sure of that .

He wondered where his foul hateful brothers were. He hadn't felt their aura around him through the centuries since the time of his imprisonment .
Ethjab would surely find them and bring them back to his dominion . It would be as it had been before, but there would be no mistakes this time around.

                              =========================To be continued
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