entry ten

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after a few weeks, i have finally built up all the courage i needed and i'm finally going to let these feelings out of my chest.

i bought your favorite flower and a small box of chocolates,  just for you.

i saw you walking up to me as soon as you saw me.

i hid the gifts behind my back while you were making your way to me.

you greeted me and we both told each other that we have something to tell one another.

i told you to go first and tell me about your news.
your smile which makes your eyes look like cresent, never leaving your face as you speak.

"jaebum and i are officially dating!"

as soon as i heard those words escape your mouth, i could feel my heart being shattered into pieces. 

it felt like my whole world was crumbling down.

i faked a smile and told you congratulations and that i was happy for you.

if you could only see me breaking inside,

you asked me about what i wanted to tell you but before i could even make up with a lie,

jaebum called out to you from the back.

you told me that you'd have to go first.

i faked another smile and nodded as you turned your back and started walking away, your hand was intertwined with jaebum's.

and then there i was, watching you being happy with someone else.

unrequited love, mark tuanWhere stories live. Discover now