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I heard a knock on the door and then opened it. "Hey Candita!" We had been in this hotel for a week now, Cande and I became good friends.

"Hey Martu!" I hugged her tightly and let her in the room.

"Why did you come?" I asked her as we sat down on my temporary bed.

"I just had nothing to do, I am in the mood for a sleep over." She said while giggling.

"Well, I am too" We both started laughing.

"Where are your parents actually?" I asked her suddenly, I didn't see them anywhere. Also not in the basement.

She hesitated before she started talking.

"Our mom died, but dad is somewhere in the world. He left my mom when me and Jorge were younger, a year later my mom died. From that time on Jorge took care of me and the house" She said while looking down. I pulled her into a tight embrace.

"I'm sorry for asking" I said as she sobbed in my chest.

A week ago I didn't knew anything about Jorge, now I almost know his whole life. He is so much sweeter when he isn't with his friends.

I just don't get it.

Suddenly Jorge walked in and spotted Cande crying in my arms. He sat down next to her as well and hugger her from the other side.

"What happened?" Jorge asked me kindly. I tried to talk but Cande was before me.

"I told her Jorge, about mom and dad" I saw his eyes widen, tears formed in it. He kept strong and didn't want to cry, but I know he was on the edge.

"Oh" Was the only word he brought out. I hugged him tightly too.

After a while Cande stopped crying and Jorge and Cande left my arms. "I didn't mean to ask, sorry" I said while looking guilty.

"It's okay, it's not your fault" Jorge said sweetly as I gave him a smile.

"Why did you actually come?" Cande asked, a smirk appears on her face while looking at me and Jorge while winking.

He didn't come for me, I think.

"N-nothing, I-I was-" He started stuttering but Cande cut him off.

"Don't be silly, I know you came for her" She said while smirking wider. Jorge gave her a death glare which makes me chuckle. "I'll leave you two, but I'll be back for the sleepover" She added and stepped out of the door. Jorge awkwardly sat on my opposite. "You two have a sleepover?" He asked nervously.

"Yeah, Cande is really sweet. She is like my best, and only, friend" He smiled happy to me.

"What she said, was she right? Did you come for me?" I blurted out nervously while looking in his eyes.

He stared nervously back, not saying anything back. "I'm sorry, that's stupid-" I started but he cut me off.

"Yes, I came for you" My heart beat rose ten levels. All the blood in my veins started streaming real quick.

"After we met in the basement, I have been thinking about you" I looked at him, not knowing what to say.

He slowly layed his hand on top of mine. "I know I haven't been the nicest person to you, but there is something in you that I really like" He said, I saw the nerves drop of his shoulders.

"Y-you mean t-that" I started but he finsihed my sentence.

"That I like you Martina" I then felt all the nerves drop on top of my shoulders.

I carefully turned my hand and intertwined my fingers with his. "I-I like you too Jorge" A wide smile formsed across his and my face.

He pulled me in a hug. "I'm sorry that I never talked to you, you're actually really sweet" He chuckled out as I smiled.

"It's okay Jorge, I get it" I smiled brightltly in our hug.

Suddenly his phone beeped on which we released from the hug. He checked his phone, his eyes start to widen.

"We have to go to school in two days" He suddenly said, my face turned confused.

"But didn't the storm ruin the school?" I asked, still confused.

"No, the school is on a hill, so the water didn't touch it." He explained as I nodded. Suddenly Cande came back in and my hand quickly left Jorge's.

"Hey lovebirds, now it's my turn" She said while chuckling. Jorge and I both gave her a glare. Jorge stood up in front of me.

"Have fun" He said to me and Cande before walking out.

"So, what happened?" Cande ask3d curiously while closing the door behind Jorge.

"Well, your dear brother Jorge likes me" I said while blushing heavily.

"What!? I'm so happy for you!" She squealed out happily.

"Who said that I like him back?" I said teasing her, while laughing.

"I can see how you look at him Martu, you can't hide it." I started laughing as she joined me.

"So, are you two together now?"

"No, I don't think so. Jorge got a notification that school starts in two days again, then you came in. I only know that we like each other" Cande smiled happily.

"I think you two will be fine" She said laughing. I hummed in response.

"Now what should we do?" I asked her, a bright smile formed on her face.

"Let's watch a movie!" She squealed out happily as I started laughing.


I opened my eyes and saw Cande sleeping on a mattress next to me. Our blanckets were all over the room, just like the pillows.

I smiled of the memory of last night. First Jorge, then my first sleepover ever with my bestfriend.

I leaned over to Cande and blew slowly in her ear. She immediatly opened her eyes and looked at me. "Why did you do that?" She squealed out as I started laughing.

"I actually have no clue" She hit me playfully and then started laughing with me.

"I love you Candita" I laughed and looked at her.

"I love you to Martu" We both smiles and hugged each other.

Suddenly Fran came walking in and looked at the mess. "I'm sorry to disturb you two" He started while chuckling, "But the police found moms ring" I immediately jumped up from the bed.

"They did!? Do they know where she is? Is he alive? And dad? Where did they find it?" I started rambling questions on which Francisco grabbed my arm softly.

"Calm down Martu, they only found her ring" He placed the ring in my hand, "They will tell us when they know more" I gave him a thankful smile.

"You're the best brother" I said while hugging him and holding the ring tightly in my hand.

We released from the hug and I looked around the room, seeing Cande still sitting on the bed. "We are going to clean and dress up, than we will come for breakfast" Fran chuckled and walked out of the room.

Cande and I started cleaning up the room while singing along with Ed Sheeran.

When we finally finished cleaning up the room and dressing up, we walked towards the dining room for breakfast in the hotel.

< manon >

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