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I sit on my hospital bed, reading my book. I can go to school tomorrow again. With Jorge.

I see him come into the room on which I instantly smile. "Hey" I say as I see him smile.

"Hey" He responds and sits down next to me. I stop thinking for a while and press myself between his arms.

He immediatly wraps his arms around my waist. "What's wrong?" He asks worriedly while I just smile into his chest.

"I don't know Jorge, I just wanted to be in your arms." I release from the hug and look at his face which shows off a wide smile after.

"I forgot to ask you something" He says while grabbing my hand. I lace my fingers with his while staring at our hands.

"What?" I ask, not taking my eyes of our laced fingers. Like they were shaped for each other.

"You want to be my girlfriend?" My head immediatly shoots up and my face turns shocked.

"I-I.. ehm.. y-you.. yes" I finish while stuttering heavily. I see his face relax and he places his hand on my cheeck.

"I'm so happy" He says while leaning in.

"I'm happy if you're happy" I say nervously, leaning in as well.

I feel his soft breaths tingling on my face. I place my hand softly on his back, suddenly all the tension is gone.

His lips fall on mine, making me kiss him back. Butterflies appear in my stomach whilst his lips move over mine.

My arm forms around his neck and my hand tugs in his hair. We both slowly back off from the kiss and look into each others eyes.

"You're a really good kisser" He says, making me blush and giggle nervously.

"You're too" He chuckles and takes me into his arms.

Suddenly Cande comes walking in as her face immediatly turns shocked when she sees us. "You two are... having your moment?" She asks while nervously wanting to get out of the room. I leave Jorge's arms and sit up straight.

"Come in Candita, we already had our moment" My gaze drops to Jorge who smiles bright. Cande smirks and sits on Jorge's lap which makes us chuckle.

"So, anything new on you two?" Cande asks while pointing at me and Jorge. A pink blush creeps on my cheecks while smiling.

"We kinda are dating" I say on which Cande immediatly squeels from happiness.

"Yes! You're so cute together!" She says excitedly while getting off Jorge's lap and hugging me.

"I'll leave you two now, but I'll be back in an hour with Francisco to take you home" Jorge kisses my cheeck and then walks out.

My hand reaches for my cheeck where a red colour is formed. Cande chuckles softly. "You so like him" I laugh and nod.

"It's just weird you know. He used to bully me, an now he is mý boyfriend."  A smile plays on my lips while thinking about it.

"Yeah, I still can't believe he is popular and was a bully. Do really all the girls like him?" She asks while sitting next to me.

"Yeah, most of them. They only bully the girls who no one knows, just to be cool in front of their friends. All the other girls just clinge around him like he is a magnet." I explain as Cande wraps her arm around my shoulder.

"But now they will be jeaulous on you" Cande says while smirking widely. A chuckle leaves my mouth, knowing that she is right.

Jorge doesn't make me feel alone anymore, he'll help me on school too. I hope.

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