Chapter One

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I stood quietly in the corner of the room looking around quietly. The rest of my family and friends mulled around murmuring their sorrows and afflictions to the healer, or socializing. And slowly rubbing my face, I sighed. 'Why did we have to be stuck down here anyways?' I questioned herself constantly. And as I also took note on people's behavior, I was not the only one who wondered- many people down here had been starting to wonder as well. The large mass of people suddenly went considerably tense, as did they go silent. A guard from the grounders had just entered the small dark room and scrunched up his nose in discust. "We have new jobs to assign and, God it stinks, News from the guard captain." Many of the steampunks in the room looked at the guards spitefully, with fire in their eyes burning like an inferno. They looked almost on the verge of attacking, but they wouldn't dare. Not with their power. "I will also call back certain people we have found.." He looked back at the smirking faces of his comrades. "Unsatisfactory." He looked around the room of people and watched as their faces paled. He watched with so much satisfaction it made me sick to my stomach. 'Please not Conner, or Zale.. Please not either of them.' I prayed. I crossed my fingers so tightly it hurt. I had no close family, so I only relied on close friends. The guard cleared his voice and opened a letter. "Brice Morrowin" I shook my head, I knew him. He and I work on electrical systems together sometimes. "...Polly Dreiser" He looked around the room at this one. She was related to him- but in no way did he like her. He despised her and all the rest of us down here. "Drake Sherun." I had never met him, but had heard of his expertice in his line of work. "And finally, Sherri Wherein." With a snap of his fingers he had a novice guard run clumbsily up to him and grab the letter from his hands. He nodded to us and whispered to another guard to round up the ones he called. After a few moments of suspence, They all finally were rounded up and headed up in the old elevator. It was ancient and the only way up from our world. Somehow I felt hollow after the calling though. I realized again, like I always do, that for most of those people called, I would never see them again. We sat in the musty room and watched as our comrades dissapeared up the elevator. They stared down at us- not with fear. They looked at us with strength in their eyes. Strength that they will not be broken, no matter what was done to them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2014 ⏰

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