Chapter 9:Save (Part 1)

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3rd Pov

The world is now in trouble as Arceus look in shocked and horror that the world was in chaos which he remember that this only happen when the Chaos Orb possesed Ash rightly

Arceus - "Oh Crap"Every Legendaries was now the same as Arceus

Then the entire region sky became dark as Dark!Ash crash on Kanto as he began destroying everthing which every Legendaries hurried teleport to Pallet Town as they saw was mess

Dark!Ash - "AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!YES!!THIS FEELING!!I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS!!"Arceus relised that the Chaos Orb control Ash's body as Dialga shoot out Roat Of Time,Palkia shoot out Special Rend and Giratina shot Dragon Pulse

Then the beam hit Ash as Ash rush at them with a large sinister grin as he form a massive Dark Excalibur as he slash the Dialga,Palkia and Giratina as three of them fell down unconsious which all of the Legendaries were now in deep fear same as Arceus who he never seen someone one-shot three of them as he had no choice as he unleash barrage of Judgement as Ash completely dodge all of them

Dark!Ash - "Why hello there,Arceus"Dark!Ash said sinister

Arceus - "Hello there...Brother"Everone were shocked as Dark!Ash laugh madly

Dark!Ash - "Ah yes,It's been a while there bro ever since you banish me to that Orb you created to lock me inside"

Arceus - "Because you killed mother and father!So i had no choice to banish you away!"Dark!Ash grin then all the sudden his eyes turn to blue same as the streaks feom his hair


Arceus - "I will not kill you!!"Then Ash sob as his hair and eyes were turn back to red

Dark!Ash - "Damn that brat,I swear if he do that again i have no choice but to kill Cynthia here"Dark!Ash look at Cynthia as he teleport behind her which he form a Shadow Knife which Cynthia quickly block it with Aura Shield

Cynthia teleport behind him as she shot Possitive Aura Sphere at Dark!Aah which it hit and he grunt in pain

Dark!Ash - "Cheap shot,Lad!"He form a Shadow Charizard which the Shadow began shooting Flamethrower,Flash Canon,Ice Beam,Dragon Pulse,Dark Pulse,Shadow Ball,Hyper Beam,Sludge Bomb,Charge Beam,Energy Ball and Hydro Pump at the Legendaries which some dodge and the others tired to dodge but failed

Then Arceus shot Judgement full power on the Shadow which the Shadow vanish meaning that Ash stop as he began firing Dark Aura Sphere at Arceus who he roar in pain as he collapse to the ground

Dark!Ash - "It's over brother!Now's your tine to be with mother and father!"Dark!Ash form a Dark Sworld as he was about to drive the sworld the Sworld on Arxeus's head but was stop when Cynthia hugged him

Cynthia - "Please...Stop this..."Cynthia was now crying as the Sworld vanish which Dark!Ash eyes turn blue which Ash was back

Ash - "Cynthia...Please kill me now...I don't care if i die...I just want to end this suffering anymore...So please...i'm begging you...Please kill me"

Cynthia - "NO!I REFUSE BECAUSE I LO-"Then all the sudden she was push back by Aah who his eyes and hair became red

Dark!Ash - "That idiot...You are going to regret doing that to me"Cynthia bzck away as Dark(Who i'm going to call him because Dark!Ash seems too long for me) tackle Cynthia to the grlund as both of them fall down on eachother,Cynthia was down and Dark was atop on Cynthia

Then Dark lean down as he bite Cynthia neck where he that time he bite het neck as she cried for help...

But Nobody Came

Dark bite harder as ton of blood were dripping as he stopped and let go of Cynthia then he clean himself and he was surprised as Cynthia stood up

Dark - "How pathetic of you,Don't you see that you are outmatch and weak?"Then Cynthia grunt in pain she then call for help

But Somebody Came

There were six woman who look like Cynthia but thiere skin,hair and eyes were cover in color

There were Light Blue,Orange,Blue,Purple,Green and Yellow

Dark - "HOW?!I THOIGHT I KILLED YOU ALL BACK THEN?!??!"Dark yelled in surprised and shovk

Justice - "It's time for you to stop now,Dark..."The woman in yellow who is now called Justice said to Dark

(Oh and yea,This is the six human soul from Undertale but REMEMBER THIS IZ MAH BOOK,And i'll be giving you all about their detail

Patience wears a red ribbon on her right arm and her weapon is a knide

Bravery wears a glove's and a bandage on her head and her weapon is her gloves meaning that she punch

Integrity wears a ballet shoes and a tatu and her weapon is a rope

Perseverance wears a glasses and her weapon is a notebook

Kindness wears a apron and her weapon is a pan

Justice wears a cowboy hat and her weapon is a revolver

And yea like i said this look luke Undertale but like i said earlier okay?Smell ya later!)

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