Chapter 11: He's Back

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3rd Pov

After that incident,Cynthia lock herself in her room and was suffer from depression which Arceus have also been a little depressed same as the Legendaries

Cynthia was now at her bed crying at the pillow

Cynthia - "Please...Come back Ash...I miss you...I...I don't want to break that promise we made..."She grip the pillow and began sobbing loudly remembering the promise she and Ash made

----Unknown Place----

Ash woke up from a yelling which he remembered the event which ton of thoughts hit him

Demon - "Ugh!Why am I supposed to be friendly this time?!"Demon yelled at his brother Angel

Angel - "Come on,Bro,Just this once? Please?"Angel gave his brother the cutest puppy eyes and Demon sigh in annoyed

Demon - "Fine fine fine!Just stop giving those creepy eyes!"He push Angel away

Angel - "Thanks,Brother!"Then they turn to Ash who is looking at them which they sweatdrop

Demon - "I thought you said you put him to deep sleep...Then he just wake up for 19 minutes..."Angel rubbed his head sheepishly

Angel - "Sorry,I think he woke up from our auguring"Then they turn to Ash

Ash - "Okay...Can you tell me what the hell is going on?!"They sigh

Demon - "First,You think you're dead right?"Ash nodded

Demi. - "Well officially you're actually dead now"Theb Angel whack Demon head which he put his hand on his head

Angel - "Don't say that Brother!You're not dead Ash,You're just in you mind"Ash slap himself

Ash - "My mind?What?"He was now getting confused,First he was supposed to be deaf and second he was not dead but was in his mind which why he was confuse

Demon - "(Sigh)Before you died we quickly out your mind in out dimension which your body started to regrow back your body and the only way to be back to the real world is that we have to be your ghost"Ash nodded as he knew what they mean as they went inside Ash and they came out which now they can escape

Ash - "Okay,How do i get out of here?"Then he knew he was teleport to the Hall of Origin and saw Arceus sleeping on his throne

Ash - "Okay,Okay...How you all teleport me to the Hall of Origin,I was supposed to teleport not you two"

Demon - "Well,You were not focusing your power so we accidently teleport to the Hall of Origin,Niw go talk to Arceus then Cynthia"Ash nodded as he walk to Arceus

Ash - "Hey Arceus!"Arceus eyes shot open and look at Ash with shock

Arceus - ".....How...How are you...alive?"Arceus said in shock and surprised

Ash - "Meh,Demon and Angel help me get out which now they are my ghost and also tell this to everyone except Cynthia who I'm going to surprised her"Arceus nodded as Ash teleport to Cynthia room and saw Cynthia sobbing on her bed

Cynthia - "...Ash please... don't leave me...I...i don't want to break our promise we made...Remember...?...So... please come back"Then Ash want to Cynthia who is hugging the two Heart Locket as he kiss Cynthia lips which she open her eyes and saw Ash

Ash - "Hi,Cynthia...I promise i won't break the promise we made"Cynthia tackle Ash to the ground as she began sobbing loudly at Ash's chest which Ash hug Cynthia

Then the door burst open and the Legendaries saw Ash

Legendaries - "ASH?!"Ash smile

Ash - "Hey everyone"

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