Chapter Two

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When the lunch bell rang, Katie ran down the hallway and made two turns until she was face-to-face with Linette. Linette was Katie's best friend and had been ever since they met in kindergarten. She had brown eyes, brown hair, glasses and typically dressed in a T-shirt and jeans.

"I take it you have some urgent news?" Linette chuckled.

"I won that essay contest. I got the scholarship!" Katie exclaimed.

"Oh my God, that's amazing!" Linette embraced her and together they squealed.

"Oh geez, what happened now?" Evan asked, approaching them. "Did we find Linette a date for prom?"

"Not yet!" Katie exclaimed. "But I will, you trust me." She turned to Linette with a wide smile.

"Well, then what's the big fuss?" Evan asked, looking between them.

"Katie got the essay scholarship!" Linette boasted.

"What!" Evan jumped up. "Katie that's amazing." He pulled her close to him and kissed her. "You're going to be such a superstar one day with your writing."

"Quite the power couple. Me with my writing, and you with your painting."

"You could write my biography, Katie!" Linette stated. "We can title it Life of the Third Wheel."

"Oh, stop being dramatic, you're practically dating both of us," Evan teased. "Anyway, I'm starving, can we go get something to eat already?"

"Yeah, yeah, let's go." Katie said, walking between them.

The three of them maneuvered through the hallway and out to the patios where they stood in a line of thirty-or-so students who waited impatiently for their overly greasy pizza slice and bottle of water.

"So, Linette, have you decided on a major yet?" Evan asked, grabbing Katie's attention. She turned to them, interested.

"I'm kind of thinking about law enforcement. I just. I think I want to protect people." Linette said, her tone low.

"That's amazing, Lin," Katie exclaimed embracing her. She knew the courage that it took Linette to come to a decision like that. Katie was the only one, beside Linnet's family who knew about her uncle molesting her. However, Katie seemed to be the only one who believed her, or maybe the only one who cared. Anytime Linette had to attend a family function where he'd be there, Katie always went with her. She never wanted Linette to be afraid, and now it seems Linette wanted to give that comfort to others. "You know, with those biceps of yours you could totally be a cop." She cupped both hands around Linnet's arm. "It's kind of ridiculous that underneath your baggy shirts you're like completely ripped."

"I wouldn't mess with you, that's for sure," Evan said, holding up his hands.

Linette laughed. "Well, thanks guys. I just. I'm not sure yet."

"Whatever you decide, remember I'll always support you!" Katie exclaimed.

"Finally!" Evan exclaimed, as they moved up to the window. "Can we get three pizza slices and three waters?" He asked, pulling out his wallet. Katie and Linette pulled out theirs and pitched in. They grabbed their food and crossed over to an empty table. The next couple of minutes were in silence, as they all smashed the pizza into their mouths.

"So, when can I see that painting?" Katie asked, wiping her face with a napkin.

"When it's done!" Evan exclaimed.

"It's pretty impressive. You're going to freak," Linette stated.

"What!" Katie shrieked. "You mean she got to see it, and I don't? What kind of crap is that!"

"Did you forget she's taking the same class as me?" Evan asked, laughing. "She is going to see it."

"He's like Picasso and I'm like a kid painting stick figures. It's pretty pathetic." Linette chuckled.

"Well, to be fair I'm pretty sure everyone is like a kid painting stick figures compared to Evan," Katie said. "He's a bit unfairly talented."

"Says the scholarship essay contest winner," Evan said with a smirk. "You've been published in every issue of our school paper you've written for. So, if we're going to talk about unfairly talented."

"Whatever!" Katie exclaimed, opening her water bottle. "All I can say is we're just a group of ridiculously talented individuals. It's just unfair to the rest of the world."

"Well maybe you two are." Linette stated, gesturing at them with the bottle.

"Oh Linette, stop being the token emo!" Evan exclaimed. "You're like the star of every athletic team you join. We're just the artistic derps in the corner, you're the one running for gold medals and catching softballs."

They all laughed, but were interrupted by the bell.

"Well, I guess you guys have to get to class. I'm going to head over to Annie's house she texted me to come over." Katie said, picking up.

"You're so lucky you don't have class after lunch," Evan pouted.

"It's not my fault you slacked off Freshman year, or that Linette is taking extra courses for college credit to make us all look bad!" Katie exclaimed.

"Hey, you know I'm not intentionally trying to make you guys look bad," Linette argued.

"Yeah, yeah, so you keep saying!" Katie snickered. "Well, anyway." She leaned over and kissed Evan and hugged Linette. "I'll see you guys later, okay?"

"Bye babe." Evan said, throwing his backpack on and rushing to class.

"See you K!" Linette said, heading towards her class.

Katie picked up their trash and cleaned up the table. She grabbed her bag and went through the office to check out before heading towards her car.

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